
My photo
Rhode Island, United States

Monday, August 18, 2008

No rest for the weary

Had a good night at work in general, but I wasn't feeling "myself" all night... some unfortunate situations are happening with a couple of friends of mine and I'm not sure what to do about it... I'm caught in a sticky situation and it's been upsetting me so I haven't been the happiest of folk lately... but I'm trying to keep positive that this will all figure itself out.

So, I ate my dinner at work but I basically had to choke it down because I was so upset I wasn't hungry. This never happens to me. I got hungry a few hours later, but I was out with a friend- he bought some stuffed mushrooms (stuffed with crabmeat and cheese), and I had two because my stomach was growling.

I got home late again, got a few hours of sleep and still woke up around the time I normally do! I made myself an easy favorite- my PB&B Maple Waffle Sandwich- using 2 Fig+Flax waffles, about 1.5 tbsp PB, a big banana, and a drizzle of maple syrup. Mmm mmmm good!

No work today; I have a friend's party later on, I think I'm going to- but other than that, no real big plans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm, breakfast sounds good! enjoy your day, i always cherish them when i have no plans! :)