
My photo
Rhode Island, United States

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just in time

I had miraculous timing this morning, I woke up, ate my 1/2 peanut butter clif bar and headed off to the gym... went for my 40 minute run (felt really good, I ran faster than usual as well!) and headed back to the dorm JUST as the drizzles started.
Now it's raining, and although I'm not looking forward to venturing to my Kinesiology Exam in it... at least I just have one class today and then I can relax, do some studying, and I have yoga later tonight. I'm really happy to be back to my Wednesday Kundalini class... work has prevented me from going the last two weeks, and this week I splurged and pre-registered online so I had no excuses! I'm sure it will be a good class, always is.

After my workout this morning I showered and made myself a granola bowl of 1 0% Fage, 3/4 cup Ginger-Zing Granola and 3/4 cup bluberries. Mmm... perfect. I even finished my mug of coffee with no splenda... which I've been trying to do lately! I've been very good sticking to 0-1 packets a day, 1 whole packet being a rare occasion it's using 1/2 or none! Just in my coffee, my tea I can go without now. I love the pure flavor of my teas now... definately appreciate the herbs more without the chemicals. It helps I also go for naturally sweet teas like Egyptian Licorice, Cinnamon or peppermint though!

Granola pile:

Yogurt, berries and cashews galore:

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