Anyways, onto my dinner! Tonight I tried Pineapple Cashew Quinoa Stirfry... and it was fabulous.
I followed Jenna's version, but modified it for 6 so I would have enough for my whole family, plus a couple leftover servings- one of which I'm planning on taking back to school with me for a dinner this week!
Quinoa, cashews, bell pepper, pineapple, edamame... what could be better? All stirfried together with an amazing combo of garlic, ginger, scallions, toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, some spicy peppers, a bit of mirin... mmmmm perfection! So many of my favorites all melded into one deliciously satisfying bowl!
We ate a bit late... I took a while to make the recipe, of course because I had to cut the limes at the end, portion everything out... but it was SO worth it.
I ate it quickly at first, almost forgetting to photograph my portion, but slowed down and savored the flavor in every amazing bite!
A note on my intake:
Lots of sugar and nuts (healthy fats!) today... but tonight's my splurge and next week I should be back to my normal habits... I am still working on gaining though. I got on the scale today and realized I lost the 2lb I had gained (so I'm still under about 10 lbs...) so I know that means I need to incorporate even more healthy calories in my diet, at least for a while. So I'm not counting calories (as you might have noticed) and not worrying AS much about larger portions and little extras... just for a while to get my weight/BMI back to a healthy point (it hasn't been there for a while), meanwhile focusing on keeping a good balance of nutrients... it's tough, but I know I need to do it, so I will- because being healthy is #1 in my life.
I must admit, because I was SO restrictive for a while there I do get scared, eating a bit extra, eating a bit more fat (even if it's healthy fats), eating too many carbs, etc... I know I eat healthy, but I still get's that restrictive nature I have, the need to control... I need to be in control for sure, but without going OUT of control. Definately a big challenge, but one I'm up for. That's my 2008 goal. Balance. Healthy and fit I shall be, and remain!
Back to tonight... I'm going with my friend Rhiannon to surprise my other friend Danielle at the little Italian cafe she works at... which means GELATO... my favorite Italian dessert! (I told you tonight was my splurge!) I'll try to post a pic, if I don't eat it up before I remember... (which seems to be what I've been "almost doing" lately!)
Hey Kristin, So i just wanted to say that you can do it, and everything will be fine. Im in the same boat as you right now, trying to get past the restrictive thing and incorporating healhty fats and larger meals in, and its hard, but you seem like you have the right mindset for it. So good luck! And gelato is by far my fav. thing ever, no way you can turn it down!
Thanks for the support, I really appreciate having people to relate to... I'm glad I can kind of rant on here, and have people understand what I'm going through and not be (too) annoyed by my complaints. It's been so hard lately, I don't have a full size mirror or a scale here at school, so I just kind of ignore it until it faces me when I'm at home. I like to think my mindset is right, but I still have daily fights with myself over calories, fat, etc... I guess it all just needs to be worked through to get healthy!
Well, there I go babbling again... my point is, thanks for the encouragement, I'll take any advice you have as well as sharing my own!
We know, its not as easy to gain as people might think. Especially doing it the healthy way. =/
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