
My photo
Rhode Island, United States

Monday, April 21, 2008

Mangoes and Muffins

My snack/dessert tonight was especially scrumptious! I enjoyed a nice bowl of mango after chopping away at the darn thing for a good 15 minutes (I haven't yet learned the art of clean mango slicing) and also had my last double chocolate muffin, that I heated up for 20 seconds to make all warm and gooey. Mmmm...

Chocolatey goodness:

Now my dessert was good, but I'm still pretty sad over the fact that while I was preparing my lunch for tomorrow, I discovered my entire hunk of Follow Your Heart cheese had gone moldy! I haven't even had it a week! I must have stored it wrong. All of you FYH lovers (or those who have used/stored it)... has this happened to you? How do you store it? I want it to last more than a week! I like it a lot and was looking forward to a nice slice on my sammie tomorrow =(
Hopefully I get some good storage advice, or maybe it will stay longer once I have a "real" fridge back home (I'm convinced mine is defective). Ah, well, we win some, we lose some. Tonight I WON with the mango and muffin, so that made my night all better =)


nora said...

it's so funny you were having mango trouble because 2 days ago i tried to eat a mango and it was also a disaster. i ended up getting about half of it in a bowl, gnawing on the rest that was attached to the pit, and licking all the juice of the cutting board. it was really sad. :( go us

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Not only is your snack lovely to look at, but your new blog layout is mesmerizing as well - love it!!

As for mango slicing - have you seen the tutorial video on Kath's blog (Kath Eats Real Food)? It's a great resource for properly slicing a mango.

About the FYH 'cheese': You need to wrap the uneaten portion TIGHTLY, in plastic wrap; and of course abide by the "sell by/use by" date. So sorry that yours was moldy! :0(

Happy Tuesday!

Kristin said...

That was basically the situation I was in. At least I got some fruit this time- last time all I ended up with was a big squishy mess! haha

I love how you're always here with the best advice!
Now that you mention it, I remember seeing the link for the mango tutorial, but I never checked it out! I'll definately have to do that, thanks!
And plastic wrap must be key. I just had mine in a sealed baggie in my "cheese box". I'll have to buy some more and wrap it up good!
Thanks again for the advice, have a great Earth Day!