Dinner was fabulous, of course! The first course was another one of my favorites- gnocchi, with a pomodoro sauce and a pepperoncini/olive oil spread that I sprinkled on the top with a bit of parmesean. Spicy and soo chewy- in a great way, these gnocchi were the best I have ever had, hands down!
The second course was a bit tricky. In between I had 1/2 a piece of fluffy bread I shared with my friend Carolyn, and when they brought out the FULL FISH for the rest of the students I had to politely refuse. They don't understand here most vegetarians do not eat fish, so instead they brought me out a huge plate of cheese- my favorite, gorgonzola, and another more mild kind- I had 1/2 of one of the mild pieces, and crumbled 1/2 the gorgonzola into 2 servings of salad (both the size pictured) and had a bit of pepper fritatta on the side as well.
The last course was so exciting- HUGE hunks of juicy pink watermelon, with tiny forchettas- sooo flavorful, I was in cocomelo heaven!
After dinner, Danielle, Carolyn and I stopped at Bar Centrale for a sweet treat- my second gelato of the trip! I had straciatella- the Italian version of chocolate chip, but sooo much better!
After some studying, we went straight to bed- we were so tired from the day.
This morning I woke up with the intention to go for a run, but it seems very odd here. No one in Calabria runs, especially not around our apartment, so I feel a bit as though I'm disturbing the neighbors by running. Not to mention it's extremely dangerous with the ignorant drivers at high speeds down the windy hills, so I'm uncomfortable gonig alone. Carolyn and I are going to try and go a couple times a week, but on days she doesn't want to run I'm going to do what I did today- some sun saltuations and strength exercises on my balcony for about 15 minutes to start my day. I wish I could do more, but the walkinga and strength just seems right for my situation now.
Anyways, after I worked out a bit I had some muesli with about a cup of vanilla soy milk, and an apricot. This held me over surprisingly well, until I had a clif z-bar (and one of danielle's strawberries!) for a snack during class.
We went to the fruttivendolo for some nectarines, bananas, grapes and tomatoes, and the supermercato for some fresh bread- and I found almond milk! I can't consume too much dairy, as much as I'm enjoying the cheese I've been eating, and I just can't drink milk, so this made me realllly happy!
For lunch back a casa, I made a big salad with some romaine, tomato and zucchini drizzled in olive oil, as well as a big carrot, some bread with talleggio and grapes for dessert. A great, balanced meal that left me feeling great!
After studying for a while, I decided to take a break and come here, then we have another long walking tour after before dinner. Should be great exercise, and the scenery will be amazing, no doubt!
**Note- so it turns out posting pictures is becoming harder than I thought it would be. I think I might stick with the descriptions of my meals, and post pictures as soon as I am able to. It might not be for a while, but I'll try!!**
Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself and making the most of your month abroad! Take care Kristin!
I LOVE living through your pictures and hearing all about your travel and adventures! it's always so exciting to hear what you're up to in Italy - everything looks so vibrant, healthy, and fresh YUM :) It all sounds amazing, glad you're having fun!
Ktistin- it sounds like you are having an amazing time. More importantly, you are adjusting so well to some real changes in your diet and exiercise program and being so healthy about it! I hope you are enjoying walking and eating delicious cheeses and gelato. So happy for you! Keep up the good work!
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