After I ran I snacked on a quick Clif Z-bar, and headed out to do my errands.
Bank, check. Gas, check. Groceries...
I stuck pretty close to my list today, but I found a few sales I couldn't pass up so I ended up spending a bit more than I intended... but this week was sort of a stock-up week (I've been in the house 3 weekends already!) so I knew I would spent a little extra.
Here's the cold/frozen stuff:
And the produce:
Bars for pre-workout fuel:
Did you all notice something out of the usual in my groceries?
I'm sure you did.
I mentioned I was considering some changes in my life...
Well, as soon as I got home from the supermarket, I made myself a turkey sandwich for lunch.
Yes, a legitimate organic turkey sandwich. I used 1 garlic/herb light laughing cow, 2 slices turkey, 2 pickle slices and some tomato.
It was delicious.
Please don't hate me.
I haven't really mentioned it too much, but I've considered adding meat back into my diet a couple times a week since Italy. I am NOT in any way trying to put down the vegan/vegetarian diet. I loved the two and a half years I was vegetarian, they made me feel GREAT, and I learned that eating a plant-based diet is what works for me, and I think the most important part of a healthy, balanced diet is doing what works for you. I am not going to eat red meat, but I am considering a bit of poultry, and continuing to eat the fish I eat a couple times a week.
I've learned in the past month or so I've been back from Italy that I need protein to help me feel energized, and keep me going as best as I can. I realized that I was not previously eating enough protein in my diet, and I think by adding more complete sources it will ultimately make me feel the best. This is also because I am trying to gain some more muscle; and I know lean proteins such as chicken and turkey are incredibly helpful in this.
I eat what I want to eat, and I want to try something new. Plus, I do plan on going to culinary school in a couple years, and I know I'll have to try everything I make there, so I might as well start adding a bit of meat now, so it won't be such a shock to my body.
I hope this does not drive anyone away from my blog, because I promise the majority of my meals will still be completely vegetarian or even vegan, I'll still be baking vegan, and I still consider myself a flexitarian!!! fully believe that eating a mostly vegetarian diet is the healthiest way to live. Mostly plants and whole grains, legumes and lean proteins is what the body needs and deserves.
So I ate my experimental sandwich with ANOTHER nectarine that I grabbed and bit into, because I was craving it, and didn't even realize until after I had already taken a bite out of it that I ate one this morning! Can you tell I LOVE nectarines?hehe...
Ok, so off my soapbox for today. I'm feeling much better, after taking some coldcalm and exercising; even it was only about 25 minutes. I'm about to do some studying before I head off to work. Have a great Saturday all!
Kristin, I know I'll keep reading, no matter what you choose to do with your diet. Your meals are always so balanced, and I identify with you and your food situation (college, future nutritionists...) Keep up the good work!
Sometimes you have to give your body what it needs!! The sore throat and sniffles have been going around my house too.
Are you looking for more flexitarian recipes? I work for a nonprofit public health campaign called Meatless Monday ( They have lots of tasty meatless recipes as well as good information on health and nutrition.
Check it out!
Fueling local health is a challege! I intern with the Eat Well Guide, and we've teamed up with Consumers Union (publisher of Consumer Reports) to issue the Local, Organic Thanksgiving Challenge this year. Will you join us? And share a recipe? Read more on the Green Fork
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