Tuesdays always get me! Seems like I won't be getting a break this week!
I woke up and had a yummy breakfast to start my day. A 0% chobani topped with a sliced banana, 1/4 cup almond slivers and a dollop of raspberry preserves.
I had two classes in the morning (snacked on a light string cheese in between) before I got my lunch/study break.
Lunch was simple- a ham sammie made the usual way; honey ham, light laughing cow and spinach on a whole wheat sandwich thin with some carrots on the side. Never fails to satisfy!
I also had a mini snickers bar they were handing out at the library- can't pass up free chocolate! (No pic, it was gone in a flash and an "mmm"!)
I ended up taking longer than I thought I would completing the work I had to do, so it was rush, rush rush to get in a workout at the gym before work. Didn't help the bus was late, but I did happen to see an old friend from high school at the bus stop so it was nice to catch up!
When I'm pressed for time I like to do some intense cardio to increase my heart rate and get the most "bang for my buck" so to speak in the time allowed.
But at the same time, my gym time is my "me time"... my only me time on Tuesdays. I use it to relax and let off steam, release all the pressures of the day. After a long day of classes and studying, the last thing I wanted to do was run on the treadmill! (Running outside? Heaven. Running inside? Torture.)
I had used the elliptical yesterday, so for variety's sake I opted for a sweaty 30 minutes on the stat bike instead. Although it was a very quick workout I felt good after!!
Before work I stopped in at Starbucks for a few to grab a grande chai tea and snacked on this Pure Protein bar to hold me until dinner.
Yum, just like Cinabon! (pardon my cheesy rhyming)
Work was boring, as usual. Dinner was easy but tasty- Chicken Dumpling soup by Healthy Choice (lots of veggies, chicken and dumplings- very flavorful as well! Definietly a buy-again!) and some grapes for some fruit.
Dinner was filling at first, but by the time I was done with work I was STARVING!! Like, stomach growling "give me food" starving! So after I got out I stopped next door at Belmont's to pick up the one thing I KNEW I wanted... chocolate pudding!
I had this along with a sliced nectarine, and it was perfect to fill me up and cure my chocolate cravings!
Time for some R&R before i pass out!! Night!
We have the same target dessert plates!! (Well... Duh.)
And I'm so sorry I've been so M.I.A, The past two weeks have been so umm... life changing (?) for me. I've been posting about it on my blogggy (es I'm back), but sorry for being so absent! I love you sweetpeaaa
Don't worry about it love! I'm glad you're doing good, and I'm glad you're back =)
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