The movie was cute- DEFINATELY a chick flick, but you need those every once in a while, I think.
Plus, I like hanging out with my mom! She's a pretty cool lady, we have fun! Maybe I "shouldn't" have fun hanging out with my mom, but i do, shoot me. I think I got over the rebellious "hate my mom" phase junior year of high school. Got pretty old, and you get treated to the movies when you don't hate your mom =)
Well, I think Miss Debbi got herself a nice enough section in my blog for tonight, onto the food!
This afternoon I took a break from my chem work (33 problems... 4 sections each...ahhhhh!)
To grab a quick afternoon snack, 10 big carrot sticks and 2 tbsp hummus... ~100 kcal, and totally held me over until dinner! Awesome, the power of chickpeas!
For dinner before we left, I headed to the dining hall... curious and ready to experiment! Ok, nothing too crazy. I just noticed they had "Barilla Multigrain Pasta w/ Marinara" on the menu, as both a healthy and vegetarian choice. I figured why not give it a try?
Well, I wasn't disappointed per say, but it wasn't as good as I could have made it! I ended up grabbing WAY too much pasta... probably 2 1/2 cups worth... and only ended up eating about 3/4 of my bowl. I sprinkled some parmesean cheese on the top of this (about a teaspoon) and then had a BIG cup of spinach on the side!
Skipped dessert... I was really good tonight- I was full when I got to the movies, so no snacks for me!
I did pick my mom and I up my new fave sodas to have as a treat though (Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate!) and that was good for me!
No pics of dinner, I was planning on sneaking a few shots but I got invited to eat with some friends, so that was much better than eating alone with my camera! hehe
Dinner was a bunch of pasta, but whole grain so not too bad... I'll say about 400 calories for the big portion, with 100 for sauce, 30 for parmesean and 70 for the big cup of spinach... 600 kcal for my big dinner.
When I came home I was hungry, so I grabbed myself one of the "Wallaby" yogurts I had in the fridge... this time I went with "Bartlett Pear". These yogurts are interesting in flavor, but a little bit too liquidy for my taste. I think I'll only buy them on occasion then... when I'm looking for a new flavor every now and then. I like splurging on my Fage, anyways!
I'm always looking to try new yogurts, though... any suggestions for good organic yogurts/flavors??
Come on, I've got to have SOME readers!
With my yogurt, I finished the rest of the blueberries I had in the fridge... they were good for today, but they were DEFINATELY on their way out, almost shriveling, so I'm glad I ate 'em up. There was about 1/2 cup worth left, maybe a bit more but who's counting fruit?
Now that I'm back at the room, I think I'm going to relax a bit, maybe read some food blogs, get my oats ready for the morning (I'll need fuel for my hot yoga class!) and then settle in to bed for an early Saturday night. Next weekend will be more exciting for sure, but I like starting the semester off relaxed!
This snack was ~170 kcal.
Total calories for the day... ~1820 kcals (right where I should be to gain)
Kristin--If you're still looking for yogurt recommendations, you should try Cascade Fresh fat free..I love it! I reviewed it for a website awhile back (, and I have been hooked ever since. My favorite flavor is the Creamsicle! Anyway, I LOVE your blog. I relate so much to your posts. It's so hard being healthy in college! Do you have a meal plan? Also, do you have a car? My life would be so much easier if I had a car on campus. As it is, I have to take the campus bus and walk to Whole Foods every week to get my healthy groceries...well, this is getting long, but we should keep in touch!
I'm always looking for reccomendations! I've seen this brand at a couple of blogs, and have tried to find it but haven't been able to get it at any of my local stores, unfortunately (creamsicle sounds sooo good!)
It is definately hard to be healthy in college! I have a meal plan because I live on campus and have to, but honestly don't use it more than once or twice a week if that. Sometimes I'll grab an egg white omelette for brunch on the weekends, or a bean salad/tofu stirfry for lunches during the week, but besides that I don't really like relying on the dining halls because you don't really know how they prepare the foods... and I have actually gotten sick (or felt really yucky) most of the times I've eaten a full meal there! I just feel like I'm doing my body a LOT better when I pack/make my own meals.
I have a car on campus, to get to and from work, but it's very far away from my dorm so unfortunately I don't use it too much. I actually live pretty close to school, so I frequently carpool with my mom on grocery days during the weekend, or grab my groceries after work... I happen to work at a RiteAid right next door to a little market! So I'm lucky in that sense.
It can get expensive buying your own groceries though... I defiantely have to keep a tight budget!
I WISH i had closer access to a WholeFoods-I have to wait for carpools with my mom for that, our nearest store is about 40 minutes away and a bit of an uncomfortable highway drive for me... I usually only go there a couple times a month.
Wow, this response turned out really long!
Yes, we should definately keep in touch- I can relate to you as a college student as well!
Keep up the good work with your own blog =)
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