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Rhode Island, United States

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finally organic

Had a nice big mug of sweet cinnamon tea with Danielle, had a great conversation and now I'm back in my dorm... it's getting late and I still have work and dishes =(
I shouldn't have ben so lazy earlier!

Still don't know whats up this weekend... hopefully we can get plans set soon because I'm a planner!
I'm snacking on an organic apricot mango Stonyfield Farms organic yogurt now... it's delish and I'm SO glad I'm finally organic again =)

Have a nice Thursday... tomorrow afternoon starts the weekend! Yes!


Annie said...

Ooh I love stoneyfield...especially the peach, I used to eat probly 2 a day when I first discovered them a couple years ago. Taste so much better then the artificially sweetened ones.

Kristin said...

Mmm peach is one of my favorites as well! These are so good, they definately taste more "real" and I like the idea of less chemicals in my late night snack! =)