This morning's rain situation wasn't too fun, but it got better as it cleared up to a windy mist for most of the rest of the day; I didn't get too soaked walking to class!
Kinesiology was great today, we listened to this cool story called "The Present" and had a bit of a relaxing day after our exams, before we have group presentations on Wednesday!
I got my exam grade back, this was the best part of the day! I got a 96%, which means I only got 2 wrong out of 50. Not too bad! I really do enjoy this class, it's all about health so of course it's right up my alley! Maybe a minor in Kinesiology is in my future... hmm...
We talked a lot about minors, and grad school in Nutrition 110 today, actually... further education is DEFINATELY in my future; whether it be grad school, culinary school, or both! I love to learn, especially about food!
Anyways, lunch time!
I got pretty hungry towards the end of Kinesiology... maybe I should up my portion of granola to 1 cup in the morning, couldn't hurt for satiety purposes.
Unfortunately, the line was SUPER LONG for the dining hall, but I couldn't think of any other quick healthy options (I only have about 45 minutes to get my food and eat in between classes) so I stuck it out (in the cold, outside...) and grabbed a big salad filled with greens, tomatoes, cucumber, cauliflower, mushrooms, a tiny bit of feta (maybe 1/2 an ounce... just enough for some flavor!) and kidney beans, drizzled with balsamic. I also had a fantastic big, golden delcious apple!
This was a healthy lunch, but didn't have much to it- only held me over a couple hours, so I had my snack in between my next two classes while studying for chem and sipping on some Earl Grey Tea! (Needed the caffiene for sure)
I had a Macadamia Apricot KIND bar... this was good, but for the amount of fat in it (13 g) it did NOT hold me over as long as the other KIND bars... I think I'll be sticking to my Fruit&Nut delights, Banana oat bran, etc.
I was STARVING by the time Nutrition was over, and we even got out 15 minutes early! I practically ran home! The great part was my dinner was just as delicious as I had hoped it would be!
I made myself a portabella gardenburger (my favorite!) on a whole wheat english muffin, and topped it with some dijon mustard, a big slice of tomato, some spinach and a slice of reduced fat provolone. I also had 10 big baby carrots as a side.
It was very very yummy, but I'm sure I'll be back for a small snack a little later, it was pretty light!
The burger:
Overall an exhausting day, and I still have work to do!
Tomorrow will be an earlier day, but I don't have to work so I'm going to a Vinyasa yoga class with my Mom in the evening. Should be good!
Off to do more chemistry...
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