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Rhode Island, United States

Friday, February 1, 2008


Well, I spoke too soon! Just before I was getting ready to head out for my Kinesiology class, lightning struck, the sky opened and the rain came tumbling down like rivers from the clouds! Well, not really.
But it DID begin to downpour. And when I say DOWNPOUR, I mean DOWNPOUR!
I've never been so SOAKED in my life!
I don't like this rain thing =(
At least it's not snow!

Needless to say, being soggy and wet didn't stop my appetite... my big breakfast held me well for about 3 1/2 hours, and then I was ready for lunch!
I stopped at the dining hall, and wanted something hot on such a yucky day, but there weren't any soups for me (plus, I'm planning on soup for dinner!) So I went with the good ol' fusion stirfry! I grabbed two cups of mixed vegetables; some carrots, broccoli, bok choy, a few mini corn, peppers, onion, mushrooms... and had her "fry" them in water (instead of oil) with some tofu, and a bit of garlic/soy sauce. It was delicious!
I grabbed some sweet and sour sauce in case I needed flavor, but it was just tasty enough with the garlic/soy sauce that I was good without it!
I also had a small banana on the side for some extra fiber and substance, and I'll be ready for a snack before work in a few hours I'm sure!

Work 5-9 tonight... short night, should go by fast (hopefully). If it stops raining hopefully after work I can stop next door to Belmont's to grab some organic snack crackers for my movie night with friends tonight... might as well snack on the healthy stuff if I'm going to snack!

I'm attempting to load my cell phone pic of my lunch... we'll see how that goes.
This was a small lunch, about 320 kcals.

P.S. Can we BELIEVE it's already February? I know I can't!!

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