My stomach started growling, so I took a dinner break.
Yesterday at Whole Foods I was intrigued Boca Brand Hot&Spicy Chick'n Wings, made with organic ingrediants! I have loved the Morningstar Buffalo Chick'n wings, and had orginally planned on getting those, but these are less calories, fat and saturated fat as well as more protein than the Morningstar brand, so I decided to give them a try. I was very glad!
But boy, were they spicy! Tonight I had 4 with a bit of dijon mustard on the side... after a couple dips I decided a sweet twist with some honey mustard might be a better option, so I had a dollop of that to dip instead.
On the side I made myself a spinach salad topped with some chopped baby carrots, cucumber, celery and about 1 tbsp Annie's Gingerly Dressing. Yum again!
To finish it all off, I realized I hadn't had too much fruit today (a rareity for me!) so I had the other 1/2 of my grapefruit from last night. This one is so good- sweet and just a little sour, just how I like it!
Now I'll full and ready to tackle Simple Subjectivism!
This dinner was ~400 kcals
I'm sure I'll be back for a snack a little later...
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