But, I still had some groceries to pick up before we headed over to campus so I drank some water, ignored my growling stomach and headed to Shaw's for a bit of produce and a couple other things I needed.
I ended up picking up:
A couple plums
2 anjou pears
Blueberries (2 for 1!)
Wheat Pitas
Organic Lentil soup
Some frozen brussels sprouts and seasoned veggies
Organic yogurt
a new kind of Yogi tea that was on sale... Mayan Cocoa Spice.
Mmm! I'll definately be trying some of that tonight with my late night snack =)
I was STARVING by the time we got through with everything, so I devoured my lunch!
We stopped at Tio Mateos and grabbed Veggie Burritos... I asked for mine on a wheat tortilla, and they were SOOO good!
They had lots of sauteed peppers, onion, tomato, tons of black beans, corn, and a bit of cheese. I ate my entire burrito, and I dipped it in a tiny bit of sour cream and some salsa (ate about 1/2 of each of what's pictured). Although I was famished when I got there, the burrito still filled me up and I didn't touch the tortilla chips!
It was just what I wanted this afternoon, a nice mexican lunch with Mom =)
Now I HAVE to go work on my dreaded philosophy stuff... Big essay exam on Tuesday!
I'll be back for dinner!
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