It truly was absolutely glorious walking down to class today. So lovely outside- very breezy, but even the wind wasn't cool today! It's about 55, which means it is definately warming up in New England! I went into Kinesiology smiling because the sun was shining and for once, my "trek" to class wasn't such a trek.
I'm back in the dorm now, the walk back wasn't as sunny but still pretty nice. For lunch I heated up my favorite leftovers- sloppy joes on a warmed ezkiel bun. On the side I had some baby carrots and a plum.
This should fuel my day, jam packed with studying galore! Better get on that...
I love that song. But I always seem to get it stuck in my head when it's a cold, rainy day. Go figure!
just curious, you don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, but I was just wondering if the reason that you are trying to gain weight is because you struggled with an eating disorder. I am a recovering anorexic and I too struggle to keep my BMI above the healthy line. I am at a bmi of 18.8 at the moment, and it's frightening, but it's helping my running, and that's really what I'm worried about right now. running has saved my life and I would do it all day every day if I could!!
YUM! your sammy looks great :) good luck with the studying, I'm hitting the books, too! big english test tomorrow..booo for in class essays on poetry
kate, do you have blog? i'm having trouble finding it?
I don't have a blog, I need to get one, but my email address is I'd love to hear from you.
hhmm...maybe I should start a blog....:)
I am trying to gain weight because I got to a point where I was over training (running too much), not eating enough because I became very restrictive with my diet, and ended up losing too much weight. I had never intended to lose as much weight as I did, I thought I was being "healthy", when really I was not getting an adequate amount of calories for my activity level. I admittedly did become a bit obsessive about my health and eating/exercising habits, but I have always been pretty conscious of them- I just became TOO over conscious, which resulted in my weight loss. I definately might have had some symptoms of an eating disorder, but I have never technically been diagnosed.
Now I am underweight, and I realize my habits were restrictive. My current goal is to get back to a healthy mindset towards eating, reinstill the habits I KNOW are healthy, as well as get to a healthy weight.
I totally understand with the running, running definately helps me keep my emotions under control, and keeps my focus on being HEALTHY and fit, and not restrictive. =)
P.S. Blogging definately helped me be honest with my situation, and it's a good way to stay on track! You should try it!
yay for running!! I agree....I know that lately I haven't been eating like I should, so I think I should try to start one and keep track of it. I'm just kind of worried about the negative comments I might receive. Some comments are SO harsh!!
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