I didn't have much time left at this point, so I just did 15 minutes each on the elliptical and stationary bike. Of course I had to re-set the bike at one point and forgot to put it on a resistance setting... so it was a pretty easy ride. Oh, well- at least I got some activity in, which is what is important!
When I got back, I made myself another big bowl of my favorite oats- 1/2 cup dry oats, 1 cup hempmilk, 1 tbsp PB, 1 tbsp flax, the other half of my banana and a bit of cinnamon & agave nectar. Yum!
I didn't realized how much I had missed my delicious, creamy bowlful of oats!
I had previously run out of my big quaker cansiter, and since it's getting warmer I didn't want to waste the $$ on another big cansiter, only to not finish it when spring comes and I don't want a hot breakfast... but I found some quick rolled oats for cheap in bulk at WholeFoods, so I got a bit to last me the next couple of still-chilly weeks!
This day is sure to be a challenge... I'm ready to get it over with!
gotta love the oats ;)
Hi Kristin,
Hope your day is going well. I want you to know how much I truly appreciate your blog and look forward to reading it. It's really helping me find a healthy balance with my own eating habits. I know you've touched on the reasons you are trying to gain weight in a comment response a few days ago but I was hoping you could please describe and give examples for how you knew you had gone too far, what were you so restrictive about? If this is getting too personal please don't feel pressured to respond I just want to get a better perspective of what I'm doing because I'm afraid that I might be heading in that direction. Thank you!
I've made the decision to share my personal experiances with my blog readers, because I feel as though it is important I am honest with you about my situation so I can help continue to educate and hopefully help those in similar situations!
I have commented on this before, check some of the comments on recent posts for more details, but basically it was a mix of training a lot and eating too little.
I had been a bit bigger when I was younger, and then when I got into training for martial arts, I began to realize how much I could use food for fuel to help my training. This sparked my interest in nutrition, and my interest only furthered from there. The problem began when I started to read too much into being "healthy", not exactly knowing at that point what "healthy" was. I started to lose weight with healthy habits like eating smaller portions, reducing high fat extras in my diet such as butter and cheese, and refined carbohydrates- eating more fruits and veggies, not snacking as much. As I began to lose the weight I started feeling better, physically, and it was definately a confidence booster with all the great comments I had been recieving from people noticing my healthier-looking figure!
When I stopped my karate training, I was looking to get into another physical activity routine to stay healthy and get fit, so I started working out at the gym where I worked, and eventually got into running, and I realized how much I LOVED running, and running races!
So now I was much more active than I used to be, and getting slimmer by the week.
Unfortunately, I started to get a bit obsessive about my healthy eating habits. When I realized I was now going to have to maintain these habits to keep my shrinking figure, panic struck.
I wasn't sure how to do this, and I read through a lot of fad diets, and articles I thought were healthy ways of maintaining weight, but really looking back at it were not good ways of losing or maintaining weight in a healthy manner.
I started focusing too much on the "maintenance" of my weight, eating far too little, counting every calorie, and "not noticing" how low my intake was when I was counting every calorie and writing it down. I acted oblivious to the fact that I kind of "knew" I wasn't eating enough, and emotional issues continued from there.
I didn't realize at the time how crazy I was getting about "maintaining", and this "maintenance" actually made me lose MORE weight, when I really didn't need to. My healthy habits got less and less healthy when I became fixated on only eating protein and vegetables, fruits, shunned away healthy fats and whole grains, thinking "fat and carbs are bad"... this is still a restrictive mindset I'm working on reducing today.
I knew these things were good for me, but somehow I got into thinking that they were going to make me "fat again"... All the while, I was not eating a balanced diet (although I thought this was what a balanced diet was, it was not), was not eating enough overall, and felt VERY guilty about my eating, indulging, it became a very complicated physical and emotional issue as I lost way too much weight and got to the point of being underweight.
It wasn't until I got on the scale and saw a very scary number that made me realize I needed to get some help. I went to my best friend for advice, and she told me that if I had not come to her, her and my other friend were already planning on sitting down and talking to me about my weight loss.
I was glad to have someone to talk to, and fortunately my best friend is one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and she really helped me realize the issues I was having, and encourage me to be less restrictive.
It took me a while to lose these restrictive habits, and I'm still working on it to this day.
Still, I am far, far better than I was a year ago- I have a much better mindset, and have reached a really good balance of nutrients and treats, but for a while although I was at a great, healthy point, it wasn't enough to add the pounds, just maintain and not lose more.
I have only recently gotten truly serious about gaining the weight, although I have been underweight for over a year and I know I should have taken control sooner.
Now, I have talked to my doctor, a nutritionist and am in frequent communciation with my mom about this situation, so I'm on my way to getting my body back to the healthiest state it can be, and hopefully start racing again soon!
Yes, I know much of these are symptoms of an eating disorder, and no I have never been diagnosed. However, I have self-diagnosed myself as a recovering restrictive eater, because now, through REAL reading, research,and education on nutrition, As the help of inspiring food blogs, I have a much healthier attitude towards food and eating. I LOVE food and always have, and now that I understand better that eating healthy is about variety, balance and moderation, I realize I need these things to keep a good diet and am utilizing them to help me get back on track with my weight, and continue to lose the guilt that used to come with eating!
Now I love nutrition, I'm a dietetics major and hope to one day be able to educate others on what's REALLY healthy... and I LOVE food, I'm even considering culinary school!
I know this was a long response, but that's the truth, right there- honestly.
If you do feel as though you are getting to the "too restrictive" point, I encourage you to get help of some sort before it gets out of control, because I know from experiance how it so easily can.
Feel free to email me (you and anyone else!) if you have any questions,
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