Regarding the nutrition of all the "treats" I've been having lately:
I know having too many treats of any sort is not good, and I am well aware of the effects of too much added sugar in a diet.
However, I do not feel as though the small desserts I've been consuming (for the most part) are "too much".
Therefore, I just wanted to clarify the small treats I allow myself are just that; treats, because I believe there is no such thing as "bad" foods- that everything in moderation is fine. I've got a HUGE sweet tooth, and I love chocolate! I wouldn't want to deprive myself of this satisfying, simple pleasure of life! The extra treats I've been having aren't my healthy strategy to gain weight, that's mostly in my larger morning meals and bigger snacks. Yes, the treats contribute but only as general EXTRAS... I might have dessert every night for a few nights in a row as opposed to only having dessert a couple nights a week when I'm not in the process of gaining.
So my point: love your chocolate, your cookies, your treats. Have dessert, just keep it small! If you're trying to gain like me, yes a couple extra desserts are ok but try and get the extra calories from healthier sources such as nuts, healthy oils, dairy/soy products, and slightly bigger portions of nutritious foods. There's my advice on that, I wanted to clear up any confusion that I was eating cookies and chocolate to gain weight- this is NOT the healthiest way, so I wanted to make sure this was clear!
no need to justify your sweets, there's nothing unhealthy about a snack of yogurt and some antioxidant-rich dark chocolate. Seriously, no guilt at all, your meals and balance of healthy foods is impressive and desirable!! keep truckin', it all looks delish :)
my body was craving chocolate today too! must be in the air...
I agree 100% treats are whatever genre they appear.
I love chocolate, cookies....and soy icecream....yummmmy.
If you take the time to bake/buy/make healthy treats then all the better.
Happy treating!!!
I should give that soy yogurt a try!
Please don't feel bad for having treats. It's a sad life that doesn't allow for treats. And seriously, girl, stressing out about having the "perfect" healthy diet is MUCH worse for your health than eating some sugar every day. Indulging in treats gives you endorphins, so eating some is actually GOOD for your health!
Please don't feel guilty; the recommendations to cut back on sweets are for the average American who consumes, on a daily basis, cake, ice cream, frappuccinos, sodas, syrup, etc. all in the same day. You are definitely not like that.
And your treats are tiny-- I would even say you would do well to INCREASE the amount you eat, especially if you want to gain weight (I'm not just giving out-of-the-blue advice-- I've taken tons of science and nutrition courses, as a science and maybe nutrition double minor).
Your body will be just fine, even if you have, say, a full-fat, full-sugar piece of double-layer cake per week AND everything else you normally eat. I treat myself EVERY day, at least once, and I am in perfect health and have tons of energy. And look at all the other bloggers posting about cupcakes, brownies, cookies, cake, etc.
I am writing this loooong, rambling comment because I really want you to know that you should NOT feel guilty about eating! Life is too short, and everyone is going to die at some point, so you should enjoy your life while you have it! Plus, you seem to be such a sweetie, so I hate to see you not enjoying every bit of life!
Take care :o).
Oh, and this is a REALLY great blog of someone who has a very healthy diet, but also enjoys her treats (maybe you've already seen this blog, but I'll give you the link anyway, just in case)
Thanks Katie,
I know a treat a day is ok- I just have had some recent comments (from people in general) about my being a nutrition major and enjoying treats... so I guess a little of my guilt came out in my note. But I do enjoy my treats, and do know they can be a great, healthy indulgence for the body and spirit! It's just been hard for me as a formerly very restrictive eater to eat the treats and not feel a twinge of guilt...
I love your amazing attitude towards eating, it's incredibly inspiring and you continue to motivate me to adopt the same accepting attitude towards food with every one of your great posts =)
And I LOVE Erica's blog, she has a great attitude as well. I think I should add the two of you to my "favorite web sites" list!
Thanks for the encouragement, it really helps =)
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