What a wet day it was.
At least I prepared all my food the night before, so that turned out well!
I ate my lunch, soggy (me, not the lunch) in the cafe attached to the dining hall while reviewing some chemistry. I had a serving of Skinny Bitch's delicious Chick'n Salad, stuffed into a whole wheat pita (Bakers brand- nothing but wheat, yeast and salt!) with some carrots and a big apple. Filled me up well!
I snacked on a baggie of trail mix between classes:
When it came time for dinner, I definately needed something to warm me up!
So I cooked up a big bowl of low fat lentil soup (about 2 cups) with a side salad made of spinach, bell pepper and mushrooms drizzled with Annie's gingerly viniagrette. I also had a hunk of multigrain loaf I grabbed from my house- this was a 2-oz piece split in half with 1 tsp promise margarine. Very warming and filling!
Tonight I've got a whole list of to-dos, I just hope they don't take too long, I'm wiped and would love a good night's rest!
Nice photos.
Thank you =)
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