I got to the gym a few minutes early this morning, and got running fast- I did a good short run, alongside the men's lacrosse team! It was a bit intimidating, but I tried not to let them bother me and kept plugging along. As I'm leaving the building I hear this exchange between a player and the coach (they were cooling off): "How many laps did she do?" "32." "Holy..." haha I guess I made an impression this morning? Or just gave the coach something to do while he was waiting for his boys to finish.
For breakfast I had a big bowl of ezekiel cereal (2 servings for weight gain) with a cup of hemp milk and the other 1/2 of my banana (I snacked on the first half before my run).
It was very satisfying, should definately hold me through philosophy, and I packed myself a nice veggie-filled lunch to have in between classes.
Boring day today, I probably won't be able to post lunch/snack/dinner until very late- I have work until almost 10.
Just looking forward to the weekend at this point!
Congrats on impressing the lacrosee team! Conincidentally, I actually had to share the track with the ROTC Air Force today--slightly intimidating!
nice work!! that's awesome:) great looking breakfast, good job!! it's really impressive to see how you've wrapped your mind around your goald of getting healthy and what the best way that is for you...cool! you rock, girl~ have a great tuesday, you'll make it through the long one!!
That's awesome. About how fast is your running pace?? Just curious...and did you run cross country or play any sports in high school??
Thanks chickpea and hk, your comments made me smile =)
I usually run between a 7.5 and 8 minute mile. I did not do cross country in high school, although I did consider it. I'm a martial artist and have been since I was very young, black belt training took up most of my first couple of years of high school. Then I got into running more, did a year of lacrosse, and now I just focus on running as many races as I can during the season (April-November). My goal is to one day run a marathon!
Cool, that's my goal too. I run between a 7 and 8 minute mile. But I am beginning marathon training on April 14th, and hope the run the marathon on my birthday!! I'm so excited!!
Wow, good luck and let me know how training goes! Hopefully I'll be in an easier and healthier positition to train for the marathon next year, so I'd love to hear any pre-advice! =)
What on earth is hemp milk? I have never heard of it.
Hemp milk is AMAZING! It's a vegan, non dairy milk made from hemp seeds. It has about the same calories/fat as 2% milk, but no saturated fat, and it has BUNDLES of nutritional benefits... Omega 3 fatty acids, all 10 essential amino acids (protein), TONS of vitamins and minerals... and 46% your RDA of Calcium!!
It's a bit thicker than nonfat milk, but works great in oatmeal, and hot/dry cereals! I love the vanilla flavor for the sweetness, but plain is good as well. You should try it!
My favorite kind is Living Harvest Vanilla
(I haven't liked other brands as much)
Thanks Kristen... I will have to track it down here in aus.
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