
My photo
Rhode Island, United States

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The weekend is here!

Last night was fun, today will be a bit of relaxing, lots of food planned... I love that of course!
I haven't exercised yet this morning, it's rainy and yucky out so I plan on running as soon as I get home later this morning.

For breakfast last night I stirred together part 1 of my favorite swiss oats... I realized I haven't had these in a while and was excited to have them again! This morning I stirred in a big banana, some greek yogurt (1 5.5 oz container) and 1 tsp agave nectar. I love the agave nectar! Sweet and not too sticky. Yum!

I am very satisfied now, and ready to get ready to go home!!

1 comment:

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

The weekend IS finally here - whoo hoo!! :0) I'm so sorry that the weather isn't too lovely out - the sun is shining here, which is great because it hasn't been apparent in almost 2 weeks! It's been dark and dreary weather, for sure (hooray for a nice change, haha).

I too love agave nectar - it adds the perfect touch of sweetness and texture to smoothies, oatmeal, baked goods, etc.

Enjoy your Saturday!!