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Rhode Island, United States

Friday, April 4, 2008

April Showers bring May Flowers

["and Mayflowers bring pilgrims!" responded my roommate]

Another wet, rainy New England morning here at URI. It's pretty mild out though, and the wind isn't too bad so that makes the rain a bit more bearable! And I keep on thinking, the sun will come soon enough...

I still wanted to get a pretty good run in, my first race is next Saturday- so I had 1/2 my banana nut bread clif bar and braved the downpour for a 45 minute run down at the track. It was pretty steady, not too fast and not too slow.
When I got back and showered, I realized how hungry I was. I decided on my favorite trio again:

1 cup Nature's Path Ginger Zing Granola, 1 Fage 0% and 3/4 cup fresh blueberries

Delicious, and should hold me through some studying and then my one class I have today before I grab groceries for the weekend and head on home.
I have a couple yummy plans for meals this week, and I'm excited to bake not one, but TWO sets of treats this weekend... in honor of my passing my chem exam! =)

Have a great friday, I'll be back after lunch!

1 comment:

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Congrats on your 100! That's awesome!