Before I got to work, I snacked on an almond apricot Kind bar and also sipped on a tall iced soy latte. Sooo good- I'm officially addicted! (I'm also out of $$ on my Starbucks card, guess it's time to refill!)
After work, I had exactly what I was craving- the other 1/2 of my Snickerdoodle ABC cookie, as well as a medium plum sliced up. Yum!
I am getting sooo nervous about tomorrow. I'll be happy once my exams are OVER and I can just relax. I think I'm going out for dessert with my best friend tomorrow evening, so that should be a nice treat!
For now, I'm about to head off to bed because I am wiped, and I need all the energy I can get for brain power tomorrow!
take a nice deep breath before your exam and envision the best possible outcome (that always helps me "chill out")!! good luck :) i've been seeing the iced soy lattes on blogs lately so i picked one up today too. it was absolutely delicious!
looks like a great day of food! I tried the KIND bars before but the flavor I had tasted like i was eating straight honey... do they all have that strong honey flavor?
Thanks, I'll try that!
I know they're delicious, and they don't need any sweetener- yum! Perfect for a warm day =)
Yes, some of them do have a very honey-ish taste- but I like honey! The almond apricot does have the very distinct taste of apricot and coconut, if you like that. I also LOVE the walnut/date- its a great combo of flavors. Maybe try one of those for a change! I love Kind bars, they're great nutrition-wise and always keep me full! =)
I LOOOOVE spice, so your dinner sounds perfect! Yum!
Haha, at first I thought that the cookie was a pita pocket... it's very 3-D! ;0)
Kristin, you're going to ROCK the exam!! Best of luck, girl!!! :0)
By the way, do you have an email address that I could contact you at (sorry for my poor grammar, haha)?? If so, you can send it to me in a facebook message or leave a comment on my blog (so that I don't miss it). I'd really appreciate it :0)
I'm sending you a facebook message right now- you get so many comments on your blog, I wouldn't want you to miss it! =)
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