This morning I started the day with 1/2 a big banana with about 1.5 tsp almond butter to fuel my 35 minute hill-run, and when I came back I had a big bowl of PB flavored cereal! I only had 1 serving of PB granola left, so I combined the 1/2 cup of that with 1 cup PB puffins that I snagged from my house last weekend (my sister loves 'em- now I know why!) and 1 cup hemp milk, with the other half of my banana. YUM!
Sooo peanut-buttery and delicious, and quite filling! Lets hope it holds me through philosophy and studying before lunch...
Today is the day I've been dreading for weeks. But, I'm just going to take a deep breath, hope for the best (thanks andrea!) and try my hardest. Then, when I'm all done, I have a relaxing night to look forward to- going out for some frozen yogurt with my best friend, who I got a call from last night with GREAT news! She bought her plane tickets, and she's on the same flight as me to go to Italy! I couldn't be more happy I'm traveling to Italy with two of my best friends. So I have something to smile about through the stress =)
Have a great Thursday, the weekend is near!
I too am obsessed with nut-butters - I eat hazelnut-butter, cashew-butter, or almond-butter, everyday (yes, I realize that I eat a LOT of foods everyday, but I don't call them obsessions for nothing! Haha).
I love your addition of the p.b. puffins to your breakfast!! What fun!!
Relax, and today WILL be over before you know it - I swear!! Best of luck, girl!! :0)
GOOD LUCK loverdove! You'll do so well, I know it! Don't worry :) Just think that after you finish it, you will feel SO amazing! xo
Oh, I know what you mean about peanut butters.. they are so delicious.. I must have at least one spoonful of it every day. Hehe..
Wow, you must be so excited to go to Italy!! That's so awesome.. I'm going abroad this summer as well (not for school, for fun with the fam), so I understand your excitement.
Question: How do you order that soy drink at Starbucks? What's the name of it?
Good luck on your exams.. you'll do well! And yes, it is true, anatomy and physiology kicks butt (well it kicked MINE, at least, lol), but it is interesting and you CAN survive it, :)
Ohmigosh, I want to try hazelnut AND cashew butters sooo bad... but I'm hesitant, because I'm sure I'll love them, and I'm on a bit of a budget right now... I'm going to end up living off of nut butters, because they're so expensive and that will be all I will be able to afford! Good thing they're healthy! =)
I have 2-3 fave soy drinks at Starbucks;
the misto- which I order hot or iced, is 1/2 coffee, 1/2 steamed soy milk- I just say "iced tall (or grande; tall is a small and grande is a medium) soy misto"
the latte (this is why I say 2-3, they're pretty much the same with a twist!) and I'll either have a regular Iced tall/grande soy latte, or an iced grande/tall vanilla soy latte!
Go for the misto if you like an iced coffee with milk taste or want more caffeine; go for the soy latte if you're an espresso fan!! And the vanilla always makes a sweet treat =)
And to all three of you: Thanks for the well wishes, you definately motivate me to try my best, and I am SO glad I'm done!
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