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Rhode Island, United States

Monday, May 12, 2008

Deli Sammie with a twist

The morning flew by, just like yesterday- cleaning is time consuming!
I just had an incredibly delicious sandwich for lunch, it felt great to be able to make a sammie on good, hearty bread (never had it in the dorm, would have gone bad too quick!) with the greatest tofurky I've tried yet- italian deli style! I had a serving of that on Rudi's Honey Sweet Whole Wheat, spread with some whole grain dijon, with a slice of vegan mozzarella cheese, some spinach and cucumbers. On the side I had a big handful of veggie chips and a juicy peach. I'm glad they're back in stores- I missed my stone fruits!

I'm organizing some more today, and running on the treadmill again because it hasn't gotten any nicer. I'm sure I'll still take a break to read though!

Manic Mondays no more =)

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