I ended up staying over my friend's house last night because we were up so late watching a movie, but I drove home early this morning because I was hungry, and remembered I had prepped a big bowl of swiss oats to have for breakfast. All my friend had was cheerios and milk... yuck. I needed to get back to get some stuff done anyways, so I was on the road and back home in no time, ready for some delicious oats to start my day. I made the oats the same way as usual; 1/2 cup dry oats, 1/2 cup vanilla hemp milk, cherries, walnuts and cinnamon, then added a banana and 1/2 cup plain soy yogurt this morning. I also had small bowl of grapes that were delicious, but I felt a bit too full after finishing them... my swiss oats fill me so well, I should remember not to have any extra fruit with them because they always leave me stuffed!

Today's plans include a run (it's sunny out!) and organizing my kitchen for tomorrow- I'm making my Grandparents a big dinner; Spaghetti and Meat-less balls because Spaghetti and meatballs are my Grandpa's favorite! I can't wait, I love making big meals for family and friends!
I work later on this afternoon, and then I'm sleeping over a friend's house again tonight so I'll try and post before work and show you my planned eats for the evening!
Have a great Wednesday!
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