I did have a fun night last night though, I went to one of my local coffee shops with my friend Katrina, and we had tea... and I brought her a treat- a home made brownie! She loved it, and of course I couldn't just watch her eat it, I had to have one for myelf- so I packed a tiny one as well!
After chatting for a couple hours, we parted ways and I was a bit hungry back at home, so I had a bowl of grapes before reading and settling into bed.
This morning I could NOT decide what I wanted to eat. I was not in the mood for sweet (nothing vanilla!), not in the mood for peanut butter (WEIRD) and not even really in the mood for a banana (also weird!) but the only other fruit we have are apples... and apples are just not breakfast foods in my book. So I settled on a big bowl of cold cereal- Nature's Path Optimum power, my usual 1 1/2 cup serving with 1 cup nonfat soy milk, a big banana and a couple tiny strawberries (there to look pretty, but of course I ate them!!) It was nice and filling, but my stomach is still aching so I'm not really enjoying food all that much.
Today I'm going to go through all my travel documents, get some sort of exercise in (even though I am REALLY not feeling well...) and then take my sister and her friend out for the day. Hopefully I'll also be going to dinner with a couple friends, looks like I'll be a busy girl!
Odd, I hope you figure out the pain. Have a good last day :)
Eek, sorry that your stomach is being awkward on your last day before italy! Could it be a little bit of a nervous thing before your trip? Hey, just remember, the whole point about healthy living is listening to your body, so if you really don't feel like exercising, don't! Have a great day, I hope your stomach feels better!!
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