This morning while I was busy packing boxes, I got a call from my friend Danielle inviting me to meet up with her and the little boy she babysits for some chat time at the playground! So I hopped in my car, and spent about an hour with her, talking about school starting (8 days!) and her birthday (a week from today!)- it was good to catch up. Since I was there for so long, I didn't even realize it was already my
early lunchtime, and that my big breakfast had held me over all morning! But it was quarter to 12, and my stomach was growling, so I decided to pick up a quick lunch on the way home instead of having to prepare one, starving!
I stopped at the Alternative Food Co-op and got their famous "Mac & Cheez", a cheeseless mac & cheese made with carrots and broccolini.

When I got home, I mixed in about 1/3 cup chickpeas for some extra fiber & protein with the macaroni, heated it, and had some grapes on the side. It was the perfect quick, filling lunch! Plus, I've been craving mac & cheese, so this definately hit the spot!

I'm still planning on doing tennis later this afternoon, when my mom gets home from work- it's bright and sunny out, I'm glad to be able to get out twice in one day!
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