Lets backtrack...
Wednesday night Nick made me a smoothie treat as a night time snack, using low fat blackberry frozen yogurt, frozen mixed berries and 100% orange juice. Yum! It was sweet and fruity, the perfect dessert treat.
Thursday I woke up bright and early to go on a nice 25 minute run around the neighborhood. Before I left I snacked on 1/2 a banana- I realized I don't need as much when I'm running my short runs early in the morning, that maybe my a.m. snacks have been a bit too large.
When I came home though, I was HUNGRY- so I made my usual easy warm Thursday breakfast, 3/4 cup Ezekiel cinnamon raisin, with 3/4 cup vanilla hemp milk. Toasty and filling! I also had the other half of my banana on top.
I packed my lunch for my last Thursday at work, after this week I won't be working at all during the week so I'll have a lot more time to devote to schoolwork (my #1 priority!) and home-cooked meals, of course!
For a mid-morning snack I packed a small baggie of raw almonds. For lunch I packed a turkey sammie made my usual way with 2 large pieces organic turkey, a garlic/herb light laughing cow, 2 slices bread & butter pickles and spinach on honey flax whole wheat bread. I also packed some carrot sticks and a pear on the side.
For an afternoon snack, I packed a fruity Rachel's yogurt.
After classes I was starving and I knew dinner wouldn't be for a while, so I also snacked on a medium apple to hold me over.
I was right- dinner was LATE, not until almost 8pm! I tried my hand at grilling chicken for the boys using all natural chicken breast, and we marinated 1/2 in bbq sauce and 1/2 in teriyaki. I tried a piece of each. Although I'm a big BBQ fan, I definately preferred the flavor of the teriyaki! On the side I steamed some green beans, and we had some Alexia's all-natural oven fries, my faaaavorite flavor- Garlic, Olive oil & Rosemary! I was so full from the chicken and beans I left two of these on my plate.
We also had a fall treat I was dying to try- I'm not a crazy drinker (I'm not in Italy anymore, I can't go to bars here! hehe) but the roommate picked these up and the pumpkin fan I am I HAD to try one... boy was it good!
I'm such a beer fan, I might snag another one of these some time if I'm planning on staying in for the night!
After a pretty good night's rest I woke up this morning and headed to the gym. I got off to a bit of a late start; so I only left myself about 55 minutes to exercise. I did 30 minutes of hills on the elliptical, followed by my usual monday/friday arm routine- 25 minutes of triceps, biceps and lats. Is anyone interested in my workouts?If you are I was thinking about doing an exercise segment this weekend... Let me know what you think!
I snacked on a chocolate chip mini clif bar before I left, and had the usual to-go breakfast- 1 cup kashi go lean, a big banana and a 0% chobani.
For lunch I packed a big salad- a bunch of spinach and 3 oz of salmon mixed with sliced black olives, lemon juice, nayo and dijon. On the side I packed my standard carrots and an apple. The fiber and protein in this should hold me the afternoon!
For a snack I packed a new clif Mojo bar- looks right up my alley, Peanut Butter Pretzel, I love salty & sweet!!
Work dinner is quick, but I'm excited about it- a big serving of leftover turkey chili! Chili is so much better when it's left a couple days for the flavors to meld!!
I'm off to classes for the day, pics will be up when I'm back home after work!
Your eats sound great - especially the smoothie!!
Enjoy your Friday!! :0)
An exercise segment sounds great! In video form! That would be SO fun, Kris! You should do an exercise demo! Hehe You should video a cooking demo this weekend, too ;)
A cooking demo! Hmm... maybe! My gym is public so I'm not sure if I can do an exercise segment, but we'll see!
if you need more recipes or if you want to take a look at the collection of tips I have you can visit www.cookingandgrillinoutdoors.com
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