
My photo
Rhode Island, United States

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Boy am I glad this day is over. It was stressful at times, fun at times, but overall lonnnnggg as a Wednesday can be.
This morning I stopped to get a small coffee with a splash of nonfat milk (all out of soy) in the morning to get me through my first couple of classes. I had a disappointing Food Management class, when I discovered I got a much lower grade on my exam than I had expected =(. Oh, well- I figure I'll make up for it by wowing my professor with my spectacular menu project coming up!
Anatomy was alright, the exam was so-so... could have gone either way so I'm hoping for the best.
After my exam I sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful fall day while eating my sammie/veggies/fruit for lunch and doing some work. When my friend Eric got out of class, we headed up to Target where I had a successful trip! I found some energy bars... I bought a couple mojo bars, a 6-pack of my fave clif bars for only $5(!!) and another pb clif bar.

I also snagged this new Muscle Milk Light bar which I had as a snack mid-afternoon (sorry for the cell pic in my car!)

WOW was this good! It literally tasted like a candy bar. Held me over well too!

I also got some new exercise pants (I LOVE black champion exercise pants- they come in XS AND petite, and they're ony $20! Can you get better than that?) I also got new earbuds for the 'pod for under $20 and and some cleaning supplies! After I loaded my cart and paid, I headed back towards my house, but not without a couple more stops! I grabbed a couple groceries for my surprise Italian dinner for the boys tomorrow night, and stopped at my favorite little lingerie shop... Kristin walks into a lingerie store and can NOT leave without a cute pair of undies, or a new bra- which is what I got =) I did need it, so it wasn't that much of a splurge!

Back home I did some work while I pressed some extra firm light tofu, and then set out to make my baked dinner-
Baked BBQ tofu (I used 1/2 block) along with brussels sprouts roasted in evoo, s&p and 1 cup of leftover bulgar pilaf. Mmmm mmm this is one of my favorite combos! Hot, delicious and totally satisfying!

So the day has gotten progressively better, at least! Tonight I get to relax a bit- my paper is done and all I have is some more reading to do before I can be lazy and hang around, maybe even get some much needed shut eye by getting to bed early!

Hope your Wednesdays were great!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Glad that your day got better - hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for shopping :)

It's almost Thursday, we WILL make it to the weekend!