I'm still stressing out lately and I feel bad because I've been stressing out some of my best friends; Nick, Carolyn, my mom- I hate to burden other people with my worries, so I really hope this all lightens up soon. I had a bit of a restless sleep last night- still a lot on my mind, I guess.
For breakfast this morning I made myself a smoothie to fill me up and fuel me for my busy day. The usual chocolate protein powder, mixed frozen berries, 1 cup soy milk and a banana. Perfect, every time!
I packed food for today, because I'm leaving in a short while to meet up with my friend Carolyn- we were going to try and go for a run outside, but it doesn't seem like the weather is going to permit- so we might be hitting up the track instead. I convinced Nick to meet us there halfway through, so maybe he can give me some strength pointers at the gym- man I love having a boy who's trained in resistance training!
For lunch after I work out I packed a pb&j sammie on Arnold's whole wheat sandwich thins, with some carrots, an apple and a cheese stick.
For snackies I packed a mini clif bar (which I'll eat pre-workout if needed) and a vanilla 0% chobani.
I have an exam this afternoon that I'm feeling pretty good about (knock on wood). and then I have a writing class I'm not so thrilled about, but hey- that's college. I'll make it through, it's 3/4 way through!
Later this evening I'm going to the boys' house to make Chicken Enchiladas again- one of my alltime favorite recipes (see Jenna's blog!) so I am very excited for that!
If I don't have time to post tonight I will surely have time tomorrow morning!
Have a great Thursday- can you believe it's the end of the week already??
Hang in there with your busy day!!! Thank GOODNESS this week is flying by :0)
You can do the busy day! I'm sorry you've been stressing out- if you ever need to unload and don't want to feel like you're burdening friends and family (although I'm Sure they don't feel that way and only want to be supportive) you can always come to your blogger friends or even shoot an email.
Great idea with those enchilladas- I saw that recipe and am debating trying it with some sort of fish for a change up- what do you think? Would the flavors be overwhelming, or complimentary?
1- Thank you for the awesome support, you're so sweet!
2- Yes, fish sounds good! I'd go with either a whitefish like tilapia or my favorite- shrimp!; nothing too "fishy" because that would overwhelm the dish- the star of these are the spices for sure! Let me know if you try it!
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