Today went well, I headed to the gym for a 35-min session of inclined walking/running on the treadmill and some leg strength- weighted squats, hamstring drops and squats with the barbell.
Afterwards I made my way to campus where I'm glad to say my presentation went well! My strict professor said "good job" so that must be a good sign!
Waiting for my next class, I had my snack while I studied- an apple and a vanilla chobani. I've realized when I workout in the afternoon I need a bigger snack to get me through Writing!
Writing class was especially good today- not only did we get out 30 minutes early, but I turned in my last project and got my egg project back- and I got a 5- out of 5 that is! An A+!! Whoo!
Back home I was happy but hungry- I knew exactly what I wanted- a warm, filling bowl of chili! So I heated a defrosted portion of home made turkey chili and topped my steaming bowl with a small handful of reduced fat mild cheddar for a spicy, filling meal!
I'm pretty much done for the night aside for some reading, feels great to be done with another two project!
chili sounds great!! great job on the paper!
Great job on your paper, getting A's never gets old!
reading your post makes me miss school =)
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