I apologize if my post is everywhere, and I'm going to have to take a 2-day hiatus from Naturally Thin tips, but this weekend is about Nick and his graduation, so I'll get back to that on Monday! Bear with me with the pics, I only got a few when I could today! More on that later!
We spent today with Nick's family again, and we had a great (albeit LONG) day! The morning was nice and sunny, so I woke up and went for a pleasant 30-minute run down to the cliffwalk and back.
Before I left I ate half a banana bread muffin, and when I came back I had the other half to hold me until our late breakfast.
We met up with Nick's parents and went to a late breakfast at Jonathan's. I ordered the veggie omelet, with all of my favorites- spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and feta (Which happen to be Nick's least favorites! He still won't kiss me until I brush my teeth!). It came with bread and hashbrowns. I skipped the bread, and ate about 1/4 of the hashbrowns, and 3/4 of the omelet. It was very worth it! Nick and I also split a side of fruit which I made most of. And we had awesome Ocean Roasters coffee!
The day was kind of crazy from there, so I never ended up getting a real lunch. We went to the Verizon store so Nick could get his new "Crackberry", and then we went TV shopping where Nick got his grad present from his parents, a brand new 32" flat screen TV for the room! He's busy playing X-box on it right now, and he is a very happy boy =) While at Best Buy, Nick and his mom directed his dad to distract me while they bought me my early birthday present, A NEW CAMERA! I could't be happier with my brand new 10.0 megapixel Fugifilm Finepix Z30! It's so cute (it's white with a cool mod design on the front!) and it takes amazing pictures! Thank you Bev, John and Nick!!!
So as I mentioned, the craziness of the day left me lunchless- but not food-less! We stopped at the apartment to drop of the TV and I snagged a small cookie to snack on, and then Nick's mom bought me a watermelon Del's lemonade at the Boat Show we headed to next- I got to go on a HUGE 72 foot Yacht, which had 4 bedrooms (and 4 bathrooms!) so that was cool. We saw a cooking demo inside, and got free 8-veggie salads, so that counts as lunch, right?
Needless to say without a lunch I was pretty hungry for dinner! My mom had texted me earlier in the day asking if we wanted to go to a Paw Sox Game, so we headed up to Pawtucket for some good ol' All-american BBQ and Baseball!
Dinner was not the healthiest, but it was good baseball food!
A hotdog with all the fixin's, some grilled chicken, a little baked beans and potato salad.
Ice Cream for dessert
and some Cracker Jack during the game, just 'cuz!
The game was ok, but the weather was not so much so even though we were having fun we left around the 7th inning stretch.
They did end up winning 3-2 though, so that was good!
Back home I had a thin slice of Veganomicon's Lower-Fat banana bread our roommate Megan made, which was a very tasty way to end the night!
So today wasn't the picture-perfect day of health. But what WAS good, was that I didn't go overboard. Sure, I had treats. But it's a celebratory weekend, and I didn't over-do anything. I always felt full, but never too full =)
With that good note, I am off to bed because tomorrow is a BIG day for the boy- he'll be a big bad college grad by the end of the day tomorrow! Oh, and I'm cooking dinner for 9. So that's a challenge for me too!
Hope you're all having a great weekend, I'll check back in when I can tomorrow!
1 comment:
Tasty tasty day, I love it! And go banana bread muffin, love love love!
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