I apologize for my lack of post yesterday; I know I promised a Monday-eve post, but we didn't get back until 12am and I was waaayyyy too tired from driving (and a great weekend!) to do a post that late. I just hit the sack and slept like a baby =)
I'm going to give a full recap of my mini-vacay this weekend, but refrain from posting ALL the pics... there were a LOT!!
Flashback to Friday.
3:30 a.m. and my alarm jolted me awake. I have not felt that awake at 3:30 in the morning since, well, ever (that I can remember! maybe back in girl scout camp days... hehe).
I was so excited to get on the road and take the 11+ hour trip to go see Nick! I managed to shower and get all my stuff together in about a half an hour, and we hit the road at 4:15.
I grabbed a bit of breakfast on the way- some strawberries and half a banana before we left, and I had a whole wheat english muffin with some all natural TJ's peanut butter around 5:30.
My dad was nice enough to volunteer to come with me, so I had someone to accompany me on my first drive to Sarnia. I drove for about 6 hours before we stopped in NY and my dad switched for a few.
I made a big dent in my book, while having a couple of snacks- some organic grapes, a primal stick and a handful of trail mix.
We stopped for lunch in a random spot in Buffalo, NY and grabbed Quiznos. I had a chicken sub on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, onion, honey mustard and a side of banana peppers, which I covered my sandwich in =)
I split a Snicker's bar with my dad in the afternoon for the obligatory crappy-roadtrip-eats... it was delicious.
A few (ok, 4) more hours of driving and a slight unplanned detour (thanks to Nick's sister Emily for getting us back on track) we made it to Sarnia, ON. I immediately dropped my stuff, gave my boy a kiss, grabbed a beer (drinking age is 19 in Canada) and started helping him with dinner.
Nick made one of my favorites, Jambalaya!
I had my spicy portion with a piece of fresh italian bread and a glass of lemonade.
(plus a little extra).
For dessert, we had the amazing Tiramisu from the italian restaurant down the street, Salvatore's.
After laying around for a bit, Nick and I decided to go out for a couple drinks. I had two small ones- one being my absolute favorite, a tribute to my Italy days- Sambuca on the rocks =)
After a great night's rest, Nick and I slept in on Saturday morning, before finally rising and grabbing some breakfast. Nick's mom made a great fruit salad, which I had a bowl of along with a small Berry Bran muffin and some coffee.
We had a great morning- we headed to Sears to look for sweatpants (because I keep stealing his) and sheets (i somehow got enthralled in the oven section...). We ended up at Toys R Us where the 5 year old in me came out and bought Hello Kitty Bubbles... and then after browsing a couple more stores we left and went to grab some lunch.
Nick had been telling me of the wonders of bridge fries since I first visited in November, but I guess they're only good when you actually sit beside the bridge to eat them. So I had my first chance to try them at lunch on Saturday! Lunch choices were limited, so I got a small portion of exactly what I wanted- chicken tenders with bbq sauce and the famous bridge fries!
I ate all my tenders (3) which were breaded and not battered (yay!) and half of my fries. Ok guys, I've gotta tell ya. I don't really like fries all that much... but these were the BEST fries I have ever had. With salt and vinegar, they were a hot salty and tangy delight.
We ate them with a gorgeous view of the bridge.
Nick had fries, plus a chili cheese dog, which almost killed him later...
we headed to the Carnival, where we spent about an hour pretending we were about 8, riding bumper cars (with an 8 year old), playing some games- Nick "won" me a bright green Monkey with a red butt he named Tiki a the balloon darts tent, and then we went one one "scary" ride- the Gravitron, which was a lot of fun! But we had just eaten lunch. So neither of us got sick, but neither of us felt too good after.
Luckily we had some time to relax at home after, blow some bubbles, play some of Nick's new Simpsons game on his Xbox and hang out before dinner. Nick's parents took us and my dad to Salvatore's for a big Italian feast!
There's no menu, they just bring you huge plates of amazing food!
Salad, Bread and Chianti to start...
And I had a bit of everything for dinner!
Dessert was lemon ice (pretty much lemon gelato in a lemon!) I shared with Nick.
After dinner, we all headed to the horse track where we had a lot of fun watching the horses and placing $2 bets and I won twice- $2.60 and $3.10!! Ok, so I'm not a heavy gambler. But it was a lot of fun!!
On the way back from the track Nick's parents dropped us off at one of his favorite bars where we spent the Nick having a few drinks and hanging out with his friend Zan.
We played pool, I lost.
I missed my boy!!!
We stayed out late, so needless to say we were both tired the next day (do not confuse that with hungover; I did feel fine!), and slept in, I caught up on a little blog reading in the morning and then Nick's dad made us brunch.
French toast with REAL syrup, bacon, OJ and berries! I also had another bowl of fruit salad.
After brunch Nick took me to Sunripe, their local specialty produce store, which I had a lot of fun at.
Look at the size of these carrots!!
I had a couple of fun purchases, including home made peanut brittle which I had a couple bites of.
We went for a walk in the afternoon, about an hour around town. We played on playgrounds, fed fish, walked by the water, and grabbed ice cream on the way back!
Nick was a bit too ambitious with his banana split... he couldn't finish it!
After our walk we hung out at home for a bit before going on our date! Nick had promised to take me on a 'real date'- dinner and a movie, for a while now, and we finally got to go out on Sunday!
We went to Paddy Flaherty's, a great Irish pub in his town.
Of course I started with a Guinness-
and we had blarney chips (aka pumped up waffle fries) which I indulged in a bit as a starter.
For my entree I had the BEST pot pie I have ever consumed- the Salmon and Leek pie, with grilled vegetables (and Nick's pickle off to the side).
I ate about 3/4 of the pie (it was really rich!) and all of the veggies.
After dinner, we stopped for coffee because we had a while before the movie. We both got Mocha Canadians- which, we still have no idea how they are any different from Mochas in the US. Tasted the same to me!
We went to go see Angels and Demons, which was really good. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, I was glad we chose it!
Another late night, and another early morning. Monday was a somber day, I had some fruit salad, coffee and a big muffin Nick's mom bought us before saying my goodbyes and getting back on the road.
The drive took a little longer than expected. We stopped at Bulk Barn for some road snacks- dried kiwi and dill almonds
and Pita Pit(!!) for lunch. I had a whole wheat pita with all the veggies available, olives, babaganoush, tahini and grilled chicken.
I had a cookie Nick's mom sent us with, plus a bit of my bulk barn goodness for snacks.
For dinner we stopped at a little Italian restaurant off the highway.
Started with salad and bread, and I had linguine with clam sauce (all I was craving!!), which I ate about half of (maybe less, it was a HUGE portion!)
For dessert I had a couple pieces of peanut brittle.
My dad and I split the drive about half and half, and I slept for the later half. Still, I was not happy to be home, even though it was midnight and I was very ready for bed.
So now I'm back home in Gansett. A little lonely, but hey, life will go on.
And to answer questions from all those curious minds... No, we're not getting married (at least not for a long time). Yes, we are going to make this work, even if it's 12 hours away, Yes, there will be more frequent trips to Canada, and Yes, you will hear about the 'big changes' I have been alluding to soon.
This morning I slept in at home, and woke up to a big bowl of Optimum Zen to start my day off right.
1 cup Optimum Zen cereal, a sliced banana, some blueberries and a cup of soy milk.
Today I am going to try and get some real exercise in, and get my life back in order!! Then, I have a work BBQ at the Yacht Club later on today.
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