I don't think I've flipped out that much in a very long time.
I had a seriously complicated lunch situation, to start off my afternoon.
Everyone must have mid-afternoon classes on Fridays, because by the time I made it to the dining hall around 1 after my Kinesiology class the lunch line was out the door! I sighed, considered my options- I could have eaten my dinner then, and grabbed a salad from belmont later... but then I would be paying an absurd amount of money for a mediocre salad that might not even fill me. Moneys tight,so I decided against that option. I waited in line for a bit, and realized I was so hungry I was shaking...I NEVER let that happen. So, I popped into the corner store (I can use my "dining dollars" on my meal plan there) to assess their options... not much for vegetarians, mostly snacks. BUT I spotted their section with Amy's organic meals... I love Amy's organic products, so I grabbed an organic burrito, quickly scanned the ingrediants and decided that would be a good quick option for a pretty healthy lunch. 300 calories, 9 g fat (a bit much, but only 2 of which were saturated), whole grain wrap, rice, beans, cheese, peppers. Plus a good amount of protein- 11 g. I purchased this and an apple, and just as I was happily munching on my quick grab (it was delicious), I realized the line had subsided... there was NO ONE LEFT! I decided to take a quick visit to the salad bar for a nice big salad of veggies with balsamic vinegar for a side; and save my apple for later. It was actually a really nice change for a meal, at least I knew what I was putting in my body (unlike most of the dining hall options...). I don't usually like microwave meals on a regular basis, but on an occasion they're a good quick fix- I like Amy's Organic, Kashi meals, and Seeds of Change. This was a good "emergency" choice!
Unfortunately, my balance system told me with all those grains in the morning and at lunch I should probably skip them at dinner... so I didn't have my mini pita with dinner, but I replaced it with fruit so it was fine!
Total lunch calories were about 400.
After lunch, I made the windy trip to my car after lunch, and headed to Starbucks to study before work.
After an hour of reading my chemistry (ahhh IUPAC nomenclature!) I munched on my apple and had a tall "skinny" cinnamon dolce latte (Only 90 kcal!) Snack calories were about 190; I went to work for 4.
At work, I began to get REALLY nervous about how cold it was inside AND out... so I wasn't feeling well the entire night.
I ate my whole dinner; 2 cups of mixed veggies with some fresh spinach wilted in, A vegan burger and a large red anjou pear. (Total dinner calories ~350 kcal)
This held me over a few hours, but I was hungry on the way home.
Getting home was when disaster struck.
I had a LOT of bags... 4 in total, plus I was attempting to juggle my cellphone/clutch so I had my ID out... and they were HEAVY. Plus, I had gifts I didn't want to break in one.
So, I was NOT in the mood or the condition to walk all the way back to my dorm (about .5 mile walk) in teen-degree weather.
So, nervous, cold and shaking, I waited at the bus stop for the campus shuttle.
I was early- by a few minutes, so I waited. And waited. Time passed. I was freezing, and starting to get seriously upset. 12 minutes passed, and I called my mom... freaking out. THE BUS NEVER CAME!
Needless to say, I was hysterical because I was ALREADY nervous and upset when I got to the bus stop... plus the cold and the weight of all my bags walking back...
Ok,I realize I'm rambling and complaining.
But to me, the cold is the WORST. I'm a wimp, and not afraid to admit it.
I was so upset, my mom got worried, and actually came to campus.
I felt bad she came to "save me"... but at the same time I was very glad.
I needed to get AWAY.
So, now I'm here- back at home. I had a good night's sleep last night, now I'm going to use the family treadmill for a run, work on some strength as planned, and head back to campus for brunch with Tyler.
Hopefully today will be better than yesterday; I'm staying on campus to do some studying, maybe going out later... and then Sunday I have a hot yoga class planned with mom in the morning, then I work at night so I guess I'll have to figure out THAT when the time comes.
I know this was a long post; I'll post pics when I get back to my room, and my next post will be my breakfast post!
Edit: Whoops! I forgot to blog my late-night snack. I had an "apple turnover" nonfat yogurt (6 oz, 100 kcals) and a small warmed chocolate chip cookie with my tea. Helped warm up my body and was just what I needed after all that stress! Sometimes a small treat just does the trick... as long as you don't go overboard, I think that it is just fine! =)
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