This morning I woke up, well rested (I guess 7 hours is my timing?) put together my sister's lunch (pasta salad, an apple and a dark chocolate treat) and then made myself a big, healthy protein-filled breakfast!
I was feeling like eggs, so I cooked myself up an egg-white omelet with fresh chopped red bell pepper, some canned mushrooms, cooked spinach leaves, 2 tbsp asiago cheese, and a bit of organic ketchup to dip. Sprinkled with some fresh ground black pepper and voila! It was delicious. I also had a small veggie sausage patty and 1/2 a grapefruit on the side. A lot of food, but it filled me up! And, for a remarkably low amount of calories. I knew eating such a big amount was fine, because it's all good protein, fruits and veggies! My whole breakfast was only about 400 calories. (230 for the omelet in total, 60 for the patty and about 100 for the big 1/2 grapefruit... and that's overestimating!)
Inside the omelet:
A nice start, I'll run in a bit and then I'm going to one of my fave sandwich shops in town with my mom for lunch before my doctor's appointment at 2:30. Admittedly I'm a bit nervous as to what she's going to say to me... I haven't gained much weight (only a couple pounds, if any...) so I guess we'll see.
Have a nice, relaxing Tuesday like I hope to have!!
Mmmm breakfast! Good luck at the doctor's Kristin, I know I never look forward to it :). Let us know how it goes!
Have you tried using at least one yolk in your omelet? That would add a little fat and healthy nurtients! I usually use 1 egg and 1/4c egg substitute.
it cracks me up how much we have in common. i dread my biannual visits to the doctor as well. She always tells me to gain weight. I've given up on the nutritionists weight gain plan (she advised me to eat between 2800 and 3000 calories to help me gain weight while still running!) I've struggled alot in the past with being restrictive so I finally just decided to work on developing a healthy relationship with food, not restricting, and always enjoying my dessert! Its worked great in that I feel much healthier and happier and havent lost any more weight (even while training for a half marathon!) So, even though 110lbs at 5'7" is low, i'm really happy for the first time in a long while. sorry for the long post AGAIN. Just wanted to encourage you not to worry too much about the doctor (you might even consider getting on the scale backwards so that you don't know the number and can just continue eating healthfully) I think your doing an amazing job! I know the "why did I just have seconds?" guilty feeling but i'm finding that it goes away the more i eat healthy food and accept that my body needs its fuel!
Nutritious is delicious,
I do use 1 egg, 2 whites sometimes... but usually I just go for the carton egg whites (easier to prep). When I make poached/hard boiled eggs I do 1 white, 1 full egg but I've never tried using some egg, some substitute... I'll try it! Thanks for the suggestion!
We do have so much in common! Today my doctor was just like, listen... eat twice as much, you HAVE to. Unfortunately I'm like 15 lbs under, so I definately have to eat more calories, I know that- but it's harder than it seems! I've had the same prob with nutritionists- some tell me to eat a LOT, some haven't helped me actually GAIN any... it's crazy.
I'm at my healthy relationship now too, for the most part... still a bit restrictive, but getting there... so it's hard to eat more because it feels as if I'm going "backwards" sometimes!
Thanks for the encouragement, I'm definately going to fully enjoy alll my second helpings, and desserts... and hopefully get this under control! I'm glad to have people to relate to!
(and no prob with the long post- mine are just as bad! hehe)
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