This morning I ran on the treadmill, for about 35 minutes and a 10 minute walk.
Then I went to lunch at the Picnic Basket with my mom (my treat!) and had a fabulous sandwich- one of my favorites, a bit of a splurge... but I was CRAVING it... Eggplant Parm on basil foccacia! They have the most amazing doughy white focaccia bread. Not whole grain, but totally worth it on occasion. Their eggplant parm is so good too, just the right amount of sauce/cheese, and the eggplant is lightly breaded but not fried to a crisp like most. I ate the whole sandwich, plus the pickle!
After lunch we stopped by Hallmark for some Easter cards, popped into the bookstore so I could drool over Eat, Drink and Be Vegan [no money right now =(] and grabbed a few pieces of fruit for the week (we run out fast!).
Then I had my doctor's appointment. Despite my efforts to gain a few lbs, I actually managed to lose the 2 pounds I had gained over winter break. Sooo we're back to square one. My doctor says I'm really underweight, so I need to increase portion sizes a LOT if I have to, just to put on more pounds. So you'll be seeing bigger meals for sure! It's pretty crucial now, so I have to make a more concentrated, concious effort. I'll let you know how it goes.
After the doctor, we picked up my sister, went to the eye doctor's, I snacked on a big pear in the car, and had to make dinner quick because my sister has to leave for dance by 6! Now I'm FINALLY back, enjoying my delicious dinner I cooked up!
Tonight I made a very colorful meal, and copied Kath's meal for cajun shrimp with brown rice and okra, and Jenna's mom's cabbage! Ohmigosh, everything was soooo good- lots and lots of flavor! I sauteed both the shrimp and okra in 1 tbsp olive oil, and followed Jenna's recipe, but used 1/2 butter and 1/2 margarine instead... still tasted perfect! I had a serving of shrimp (sauteed and seasoned!) with 1 cup brown rice mixed with some okra and some pepper and more seasoning, as well as a big helping of the cabbage. I'm all full, but damn is that cabbage good- I might have to go back for seconds in a bit! ;)
Definately making dessert later... what shall I try?
EDITED TO ADD: I am a DEFINATELY a giant fan of this cabbage! I went back for a big second helping, the same amount as the first. Mmmm calories! (Veggies and semi-healthy fats, the sugar might not be the best... but a little won't kill me!)
Hey Kristin, that sandwich looks amazing! I LOVE eggplant. Anywho :) About your appointment with the doc. I too went to see mine...since I am on break as well. I am about ten pounds underweight and she is really urging me to gain some as well. The thing I was worried about with increasing portions and such is that I would not be able to cut back or in a way lose my inuitive eating if that's what you want to call it. I mean I don't want to get in the mindset that oh because I am underweight I can eat a little more...and a little more completely disregarding how my body feels. Then when I am at a healthy weight I may still keep that mindset. SO after all that lol what were thoughts from what the doctor said...about the whole portion thing. I told my doc I would rather talk to a dietician and maybe incorportate like a boost, or ensure into my diet for so many months and then all I have to do it remove it when I am at a normal weight. I know this really isn't a direct question I am asking here but I would just like to get your input since we seem to be in the same boat. (We have similar workout habits as well) Thanks Kristin..Hope all is well Oh and enjoy your spring break! :)
hey kristin,
it seems that there are little places in your diet where you could easily add calories if you are, indeed, trying to gain weight. for example, why not have the entire egg with your omelette instead of just the whites? or why eat fat free desserts when you could choose the "regular" ones. just curious...
Hey Kristin, You seem to really want to gain the weight back, and Im sure you will have no problem doing it once your body adjusts, like you said. Its a hard long process, but Im sure youll do fine! And that eggplant parm looks so good...I love anything smothered in pasta sauce!
It's so funny you say that because that is my NUMBER ONE CONCERN. I'm soo nervous about the same thing! But I talked to her, and I talked to my nutritionist, and they both said that bigger portions as well as more calories overall are needed right now, that I AM at a good point, and the fact that I'm comfortable with my own intuitive eating and portions right now means I should be able to get back to a good balance, gradually, as the pounds come on and I'm trying to even out. I, too, am worried this might not be the case... but for health's sake I have to trust them and myself to know that I can gain weight healthfully, as well as remain as balanced as possible... and keep that balance in gaining or maintaining my weight. It is a constant struggle... sometimes I feel full, but feel as though I "need" to finish my plate because I need the extra calories (technically I "should" finish the plate, but it feels "wrong"). I understand not wanting to disregard your body's signals. I'm worried about that too, but in both of our cases, the fact that we're under weight is our body's cue in itself that we're off-balance. So I'm here with ya, nervous but trying to make it in a healthy, balanced manner. Sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
And ensure/balance could in gaining weight, but personally I think they're not that nutritionally sound (lots of extra unneeded chemicals...) but that's just my personal opinion, I'd rather eat more energy dense foods, more snacks, and slightly larger portions to do it the "natural" way. Good luck to you as well!
I am a nutrition major, so I do want to try and keep my diet as nutritionally healthy as possible, while still gaining the extra needed pounds. So you will see me indulging a bit more, eating larger portions, and more fats (the healthy kinds!) but I'm still trying to get to the point where I feel ready enough to add those type of calories in moderation along with my usual healthy fare, to try to achieve a balance of gaining, but not eating unhealthy/in excess. It can be a challenge!
I WANT to gain the weight... it's just getting myself to do it that's hard. To be honest, I still have those "inner battles" over portion sizes, exact nutrients, etc... so I'm working on getting over those stop-ups and adjusting! Thanks for the encouragement, and YES that eggplant parm was fantastic. I couldn't have made it better myself =)
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