For breakfast I went the easy route- 1 mini bagel with 1 tbsp PB and 2 tsp jam (I'm almost out... time to try a new type! I've heard good things about Bonne Maman Preserves... anyone else have opinions?) as well as 1 cup 1% cottage cheese and a nectarine. Classic filling breakfast to start my long Monday.
The only frustration so far this morning was my microwave... it was working fine the last time I used it but lately it's been making a funny "popping" sound. I had originally thought it to be the misalignment of the tray, but the tray's aligned and it still makes the sound. I hope theres nothing wrong with it- I love my microwave!!
Off to start the day with some studying, I'll be back later tonight for a combined lunch/dinner post!
Side Note: I forgot to mention my biggest achievement in my "achievements" post last night... I gained 1 lb last week, so I'm starting to get there! Lets hope for another 1 or 2 this week =)
You should definitely try Bionaturae brand of jams. I discovered at a Whole Foods a few weeks ago, and I love it! Plus, each Tablespoon provides 48% of your daily needs of vitamin C!
Congratulations! You're doing great :)
looks delicious, as always!
congratulations on your gain - stay positive, and keep up the great work, Kirsten :0)
Happy Monday!
congratulations, keep it up..I think it's awesome how optimistic and eager you are to achieve your goal, it's hard to have that outlook, but it's awesome that you know how you personally need to get healthy, congrats again!
Thanks for the suggestion- I'll definately look at that one!
To all-
Thanks for the congrats, I appreciate the support!
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