
My photo
Rhode Island, United States

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Post-yoga snack

I had a great yoga class tonight; very different- we did "lion's breath" which definately worked as a stress reliever! We even groaned at one point to relieve stress! I really needed the great contrast of intensity/relaxation that Kundalini brings. Its a great balancer.

Afterwards, I snacked on a yummy just-sour-enough plum, and now I'm off to do some work and (hopefully) get to bed a little early for my early morning cardio session at the gym (still no running on thursdays, unfortunately).
Hump day is over, now I've just got 2 more days before I can RELAX and go home!!
Oh, and just for the record (speaking of relaxation) I did snag a tangy relaxing "Gin Gin" candy to suck on the ride home from yoga. Just a tiny treat ;)


Annie said...

Hey Kristin, I was wonderin gif you had an email adress I could send you an email on. I just had a question, but didnt want to take up a huge space? Thanks, I realy appreciate it.

Kristin said...

Yes I do; it's I'd be happy to answer your question!