I also had some sweet kiwi on the side (I've been into kiwi lately!).
The second reason my snack was so special is that it's the last time I'm going to be eating for over 12 hours, because I have to fast for a couple tests I need to do at the doctor's in the morning. I don't think I've EVER gone 12 hours with eating, so this should be quite the challenge!
I figured I'm going so long without eating I might as well make my last snack count, and it was as delicious as I had planned it to be!
Alright, no more food for the night...
I obviously won't be able to go for my usual run in the morning because my test is early in the morning and I won't have any fuel anyways- so hopefully I'll be making up the exercise with a lot of walking during the day. I'm also not going to be able to have my usual healthy breakfast, but I think I'm going to treat myself to my favorite Bagel shop after my tests... a big ol' bagel with healthy homemade cream cheese? Sounds like a plan!
Breakfast and lunch will be late tomorrow, but I'm not leaving I promise!
blargggg...I've done that fasting before for an EKG test, not the best, but yes....the meal after the fast does taste especially delicious! You're smart to have the test early in the morning, I remember I went in at 7:15am so I could be out of there and eating breakfast at 8...haha, so it wasn't too bad! Definitely not my usual 7am breakfast, but no prob..you'll make it, and hope the bagel is great :)
I've been really into kiwi lately too, which is weird, since I used to hate it!
Good luck at the doctor's!
Good luck at the doctors.
This is totally random, but speaking of bagels, there's this brand called Natural Ovens that makes delicious breads and bagels. They have one called a Brainy Bagel. It actually has carrots in the dough. Weird I know, but so soft and doughy and delicious. They're at whole foods and I LOVE THEM. Excellent toasted with hummus. :)
They sounds so good! I haven't seen them in my whole foods, I'll check next time! I looked them up online, I might just have to order myself some brainy bagels, they have a great nutritional profile!
Thanks for the tip, you know me- I love my carrots and grains, and hummus just makes it all even better! =)
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