I woke up and had 1/2 my faaaavorite clif bar- Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch (I really wanted to eat the whole thing this morning, but I saved the other 1/2 for another run!) and went for another nice 40 minute hill-filled run.
I did find another, longer route I can take- but I took it "easy" today (there were still a lot of steep parts) and just ran the 40 minutes, because I have a race tomorrow!
When I got back, I made myself a big bowl of ezekiel cinnamon raisin- I'm really loving this stuff! I had 2 servings (1 cup) with 1 cup hemp milk and a pear (that I had to slice kind of funny because I found a yucky spot on it...)
Now I have to go review my presentation notes, and I'm heading off campus right after lunch today, I'm doing my cousins' makeup for prom this evening (put all my cosmetology school prep to good use!) and then making dinner at home. It's just me and my mom tonight, so I have a really yummy looking recipe I'm testing for Happy Herbivore that I'm excited to try!
Have a wonderful Friday, I know I'm glad the weekend's here!
I have a food recommendation for you. Every time I go to whole foods I pick up one of their vegan blue berry muffins. I don't really even like muffins but these things are dense and moist and amazing! I usually snag one and save it for the next morning at breakfast. Vegan Muffin + banana+ coffee = one really great morning. So, I thought of my fellow foodies while eating one yesterday morning and figured I'd let eveyone in on this tasty morning treat.
Have a great friday...summer is almost here!
That sounds delish, I didn't know Whole Foods made vegan muffins! I'll definately have to try that, thanks!
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