This afternoon when my sister came home we all sat together and had a delicious slice of my Pumpkin Cheese Pie from ED&BV, as she told us the fun time she had at her leaders convention this weekend. She was so excited to tell us about her friends she met, and it sounded like she had a great weekend! (As did I! =)
I came back, did some work, and I had such a wonderful night at the dorm with my friends! My friend Carolyn (who I'm going to Italy with!) and her boyfriend, Max, made a wonderful Italian- themed feast for 7 of us; it included spaghetti with home made sauce, meatballs (I provided a meatless version!), green beans almondine, fresh caught breaded fish and brownies!
I had a bit of everything; a bowl of pasta with sauce, 3 meatless meatballs and a sprinkle of romano cheese, some green beans, some of the absolutely fantastic fish, and a big brownie! I'm filled to the brim, but it was a really nice treat, and we shared a lot of good laughs with the great food, so it turned out to be a really enjoyable night!
Look at how great that fish looks!
Pasta, pasta!
Dessert- #3 of the day!!!
I'm tired from the long day, but I still have a couple things to do before I can turn in for the night.
I'm still very stuffed from dinner, so dessert is unlikely... but I can't wait to eat another of my Apple Crisp Muffins, so we'll see!
I'm not looking forward to the predicted thunderstorms tomorrow morning... we'll see if I can get to the gym or not. Unfortunately I don't think I'll have too much of a chance to exercise this week, the weather's supposed to be pretty bad tomorrow and the next day, and then I'm super busy later in the week, so I might have to squeeze in spurts here and there. I hate not being active, so I'll be hoping for the best!
Wow, what a feast!! Once again, that pie looks beyond scrumptious - can't go wrong with an ED&BV dessert recipe, for sure!!
What a nice dinner you had at the dorm - great company as well!
Yeah, it's supposed to storm here tomorrow as well - hopefully it won't though!
Hi Kristin, I was just wonderin gif you could give me your opinion on this. I havent ran in about a year and a half, and was looking to start, slow at first, but I want to be able to run a couple miles without a problem.
I am going to start out on a tread mill so I know distance/timeing, so what is your best advice for this? I knwo that you cant tell me to do exactly 3 minutes of running then 2 walking or anything, but do you have any opinion on what a good starting goal would be? Sorry this is so long!
Your pie looks awsome by the way.
yum yum yum!! Looks like an amazing pie you made :) Dinner with friends is the best, glad you had fun!!
Pumpkin cheese pie?? Oh my! Sounds so delicious!
Your big day is coming up soon! :)
My number one tip would be to start out slow, and build up to where you were when you stopped running. Maybe start by running/walking, then make your way up to just running, and then running longer distances/faster speeds, etc. It might be a bit frustrating not jumping right into it, but believe me- your body will thank you for easing into it, and chances are you'll end up running farther/faster than you used to- muscles have great memory, once you get into a regular routine again, they'll catch on quickly and you'll be back in no time! That leads me to my other piece of advice; CONSISTENCY. I'm not saying start running every single day (you need a rest day in there somewhere anyways!) but definately make it a routine to run once every weekend, or twice a week, etc, so your body gets used to it and you can a feel for a good pace, and get into a good routine.
I don't have a specific "goal" for you on the treadmill, I'd just say find a good pace and stick with it, until it gets too easy, and then try to run a couple minutes longer, and once you get to this point, try a faster pace, and do the same routine until you get to the point you want to be.
Good luck!
And thanks for the compliment =)
That brownie seriously looks sooo gooooood
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