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Rhode Island, United States

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Quick Dinner

No time to prepare anything creative for dinner tonight, studying is my top priority!
I'm sorry if my meals this week are a bit boring, I'm using up what I've got in the dorm, and going from exams, to work, to home, and back all this week- should be pretty crazy!
I'm just hoping it will all go by fast and smoothly, and I can settle down with some good home cookin' and baking when I'm finally home this weekend.

No afternoon snack because I ate lunch pretty late and it was very filling (probably the healthy oils in the pesto and not so healthy oils in the sweet potato fries!), so I just had an early dinner instead.
Tonight I heated myself up the other Amy's Organic Frozen Dinner I found at my corner store, this one was a Vegan "Mattar Tofu" Indian meal. Very good and flavorful for a frozen meal, as I've found with all Amy's meals I've had so far! (I've also heard rave reviews about the pizzas... I think I'll have to get one to try when I have access to an oven again!)
This meal had some basmati rice, some dal, and some peas with tofu. Yum! To round out the meal I also had a side salad of spinach, red bell pepper, some carrots and cucumber, topped with a tbsp of Annie's Gingerly Viniagrette.

Satisfied me well, time to study some more...

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