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Rhode Island, United States

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A fruitful walk

I had the loveliest afternoon yesterday!
After having another delicious cone of gelato with Carolyn and Erika, I finished my work and met up with Danielle and a couple of our other friends to take a nice walk. We decided to go exploring, and ended up in a giant fruit field! It was incredible. Olive groves on one side, vineyards on the other, dotted with fig trees, apple trees, pear trees and blackberry bushes. Since it was a public path, we helped ourselves to some fruit along the way, and walked for about an hour and a half, enjoying the sweet fruit. I had an apple, a fig, a pear, and some blackberries! (Note these were very small fruits compared to what you see in a supermarket back home)

Dinnertime was healthy and refreshing as well. We started with some antipasti- fresh formaggio (I ate a few of the pieces here), sundried tomatoes with capers, marinated mushrooms and peppers. A great way to start a meal, in my opinion. I also had a half a piece of bread before our primo piatto came.

It was my favorite sauce, once again- pesto! I'm not the biggest fan of spaghetti, but anything with pesto is delicious to me!

My favorite part of the meal was our secondo piatto- fresh salads with beans, dressed in an olive oil/vingear sauce, I ate all my veggies, as usual!

Dessert was a crisp apple, and my friend Danielle also surprised me with my favorite treat from Stilla- I can't get enough of these cute little pastries! They're just a couple bites, but the perfect way to satisfy an after dinner sweet tooth.

Today I felt a bit sick in the morning, I had a granola/museli combo with some soymilk and nectarine, which I was ok with. I got hungry during class and snacked on some wheat crackers, but decided to go with a light lunch to settle my stomach.

It worked; I had a big salad with lettuce, tomato, carrots and ceci dressed in olive oil with some plain yogurt. It was just enough to fill me up, and I feel much better now!

I really can not believe it's already Thursday- I feel like it's still Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an extraordinary experience you are having. It really is wonderful to read because I plan on visiting Italy soon and I am so happy to know that I will be able to eat wonderful vegetarian food there. I make alot of vegetarian Italian food at home (being Italian myself) but I was nervous that in Italy it would be too difficult. I see through your trip though that anything is possible!