I don't really remember much of the movie because I fell asleep about a 1/2 an hour in!! I never fall asleep during movies! I guess I was tired. I ended up waking up to my Dad coming in, so I went to bed and was about to fall asleep... when my friend texted, we got into a conversation, and I was up another couple of hours. On top of that, I wasn't very happy when I got off the phone, so I tossed and turned before finally getting some rest.
This morning I woke up a bit more refreshed, but not as awake as I would have liked. I made myself a simple light breakfast- 3/4 cup granola on top of 1 nonfat yogurt cup (6 oz) along with about 1 cup fresh blueberries. Always tasty and just enough.
I'm going to exercise in the morning, and then early afternoon I'm going out to lunch with my friend before work- so poss might be off, I'm going to be a busy girl! Which reminds me; I'm going to have to figure out a new posting routine in a week or so for the school year... I'll be gone all day most of the days, so I know I will not have a chance to post 3x a day- most likely only once or twice.
So what do you prefer...
a) weekly "plan" (food & exercise lists) with a daily recap;
b) morning "plan" lists with a nightly recap
c) nightly recaps with a weekly "week in total" post (feelings about what I ate, how active I was, etc...)??
I'd love all the feedback I could get!
i'm starting to get concerned with how i'm going to blog when school starts up again in a few weeks. blogging has become such a big part of my life this summer that i'm so sad i won't be able to devote as much time to it during the year.
as for your ideas, i vote C!
i vote C as well!!! :)
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