So were my eggs! hehe...
I LOVE eggs- in risk of sounding like a complete dork here, I have a short story for y'all.
We have an argumentative research paper to do in my writing class, in which we choose a topic we're passionate about, research it with at least 7 legitimate sources and write five pages on arguing our point on the issue.
I decided to do something nutrition-based, because I happen to have an interest in nutrition... (who woulda known? ha)
I could have argued fast food causes obesity (although I don't agree with this) or that children are being persuaded to eat unhealthily by the media, yadda yadda... but no.
I chose eggs.
Yep, this is how much I LOVE EGGS! I chose to argue the health benefits of full eggs (yolk and all!) outweigh the previous views that they are unhealthy because of their high cholesterol/fat content.
I told my teacher my topic was eggs, and she literally stared back at me with a blank look on her face for an uncomfortable length of time... and then laughed. Then she caught herself, asked me my reasoning and I produced an incredibly passionate, articulate (if I do say so myself) reply on exactly why I NEEDED to do this paper on eggs. She told me she wasn't laughing at me; that my topic was fine- she was just laughing because in all her years teaching she had never heard of anyone wanting to do a report on eggs!!
So I've been craving eggs lately... all the yummy choline, zeaxanthan, luetin, selenium, zinc... I can go on an on!
So when I needed an easy, filling protein-packed meal for dinner I knew right where to turn-my best little eggy friends!
I made my absolute favorite protein combo- a honey ham, cheddar and egg omelette. I made sure to use 1 full egg to get all the benefits of the yolk, and combined it with 1/3 cup (=2 large eggs) of egg whites, 2 slices of honey ham and a slice of reduced fat cheddar with a dollop of ketchup. For some veg power I steamed up a frozen blend of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. This was a great light dinner!
Dessert tonight was very fun to make! I ariled a pomegranate, and produced almost 2 cups of juicy arils! I had a couple while I was soaking them and a small bowful afterwards.
Tonight will be a relaxing night- I did some work and some organizing, but rest is what I really need to do!
GORRRRGEOUS pom seeds.
Rest up!!
enjoy your resting time!
so jealous of your fresh pomegranate - my seeds are almost gone - so addicting!
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