Ok, I'll confess.
This morning I woke up, had a funny breakfast- the rest of the container of cottage cheese (about 1 cup), two vegetarian sausage links and a peach.
It satisfied me, yes, but a few minutes later there I was, my hand in the bag of doritos from the party last night.
Yes, I'll admit it. I ate a couple handfuls of doritos today. Right from the bag. At 9 a.m.. I'm not sure if it was lack of sleep, or my pure, unadulterated love for Cool Ranch Doritos, but it happened. There I was, hand in the bag, insert oh so dangerously tasty but can they be more unhealthy chips in mouth, reaching an almost full-on junk binge before noontime. Not the best way to start off my Saturday, especially after quite the long, unhealthy night last night. But I'm not beating myself up about it. Because I already said it. This weekend- Halloween weekend, is the weekend I go all out. It's two days a year. How much damage can I do in two days? Some, yes, but not enough to hurt all of my efforts and desire to live a healthy, happy, balanced life. So I ate some doritos. And some candy. I'm human. Tomorrow is back into the grind, work Sunday, then school Monday, I'll be back into my habits in no time.
So let me backtrack a bit.
Friday afternoon I left school and picked up my little sister Alison, where I ate a couple pieces of candy waiting for her to pack up her costume (she wore my clothes, scarf, and peace necklace- and was a hippie!) and then we headed back to my house where she helped me put together an Italian Halloween dinner for her, her best friend Vicky, her main man Tom (hes such a cutie- tall, dark handsome football player, and sweet too!) as well as my roomie, Nick and myself. I made my Italian-style turkey meatballs with multi grain spaghetti, a salad that consisted of romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, feta and Newman's own Light Italian dressing and fresh bakery Italian bread. I had 3 meatballs over some spaghetti, a bunch of salad and one piece of bread. And a Halloween cookie for dessert I forgot to photograph! Nick brought over some wine so we (the adults) dove into that as well.
They had so much fun, and I was so glad they came over! We had a lot of fun laughing and joking around. They stayed for a couple hours before leaving to go trick-or-treating.
When they left, we got ready for the party. Scary movie, music, chips, cookies, candy, a big bucket of punch...
My friends came over around 9, we only had about 8 people over, but it was a good time! I wore my Bavarian beer girl costume, Nick was a priest, Tyler was Captain 6-pack (of beer that is), Chelsea was the game Twister, Danielle was a working girl, Eric was Dante from Grandma's Boy, and Evie and her boyfriend came in a couple costume. We had a great time, eating candy, playing some games, dancing to music, and staying up late... well, not too late. I fell asleep at 11:30!. It was a great time anyway.
This morning after breakfast I left for my parents house feeling quite nauseous (I wonder why? ah, right-doritos), and was very angry- it was the perfect day to run!! I tried, and I'm not sure if it was the chips or the remnants of the 50/50 orange mango punch I drank last night, but 13 minutes into it the puky feeling still hadn't gone away, so I quite and walked for 20 more minutes at 4mph at a 10% incline on the treadmill. At least I did something. After my walk I redeemed my unhealthy behavior by taking a big shopping trip to Whole Foods with my mom!
We got lunch there, which consisted of a variety of meatless pieces (tofu, tempeh, seitan), some noodles, a couple dumplings and some grilled veggies.
I also sampled a tuna/avocado appetizer that I am definitely making soon!
The trip went great! Heres what I stocked up on, plus my mom treated me to a 24-oz container of chocolate Jay-Robb protein powder! I was ecstatic! It is HUGE, and should last me a good couple of months!!
I got home late, and had a couple pieces of candy as an afternoon snack. Ok, I guess I'm still a little bad...
For dinner I just had leftovers- salad, meatballs in a white whole wheat bun and a piece of bread. I went back for another helping of salad as well.
This was yummy, I only needed 1 more piece of candy as dessert! I think I'm pretty much done for the night, its been a long couple of days and although I definitely enjoyed my fattening indulgences, my body is DEFINITELY ready to get back to balance.
1 comment:
Can't wait to see the pictures of groceries (as well as a certain bavarian beer maid! Haha, that's gotta be priceless). There's a german village that sells aprons that have beer maid bodies on them- I'm tempted!
Just wanted to make sure it was alright that I've added you to my blogroll. I left a post on your "mush" post about it, haha, but didn't get a response and wanted to make sure I'm going about things right.
Thanks for all your continuing inspiration- turkey meatballs look delish! Have you ever/would you ever try cooking with Bison? I know that it was a debate to start eating meat at all again, but how much have you branched out? I only ask because I saw it at the store the other day and it was very lean and local so I picked some up and made mini shepherds pies- Surprisingly good...
Have a great sunday
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