The satiety trio.
I had all three, plus a WHOLE buncha vitamains, antioxidants, not to mention my favorite home cooked dinner ever all in under 30 minutes!
Pan seared salmon (I used a pre-cooked frozen piece), salt/pepper/evoo roasted brussels sprouts and 1/2 a baked sweet potato with a tad bit of smart balance.
Perfection on a plate.
Couldn't get healthier, couldn't get tastier (in my opinon!)
And completely satisfying!
The only thing that would make my dinner better would be a nice slice of cake... oh wait... I'll be having that soon =)
I have NO classes tomorrow, so I'll be sleeping in, relaxing, exercising and studying at home!
Since I won't be busy, I'll have some extra time to blog...
Day-off promises:
-A work-out routine
-A Kristin recipe
-A tag!
(Something to look forward too!)
Have a great Monday night!
Brussels sprouts & sweet potato = my faaaaaavorite :0)
How'd you get grill marks on a pan seared piece of salmon?? Now Those are skillz! Haha. The trio looks Divine!
I cannot wait for a Kristin recipe tomorrow!!!
Those aren't my grill marks! haha
My mom sometimes buys me packages of frozen pre-cooked "grilled" salmon, so they look grilled, but I just pan-sear them with s&p to make them the way I love 'em!
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