I started off my morning on an ok start, got up, changed and made myself a berry-mango chocolate banana smoothie.
This was good, but I was running late while I was prepping my lunch and had to take half of it on the go.
I could already tell it was going to be an 'off' day!!
Well, off it went... down hill from there.
I was on my way to school, running late to turn in my portfolio, but NOT, I repeat, NOT speeding whatsoever, because I'm a huge chicken when it comes to driving on roads I know cops might be on... I don't want to risk a run in! So I was going the speed limit, and coming up to a red light only minutes before school when the car two cars ahead of me stopped short, and I went reeling into the car in front of me! So I had a slight fender-bender, which was technically my fault, but I really couldn't stop! I was upset, and the other girls were both also rushing to their exams, no one was hurt and there was really no damage aside from bumps and scratches, so we exchanged numbers and I frantically made my way to my exam.
Still shaken up, I turned in my exam and went straight to Bagelz to study for a few hours before my NEXT exam. Studying went ok and some fun text messages from my best guy friend made me a little more at ease. I had my lunch before I headed to my second exam- a tuna sammie made with 3 oz tuna, grape tomatoes, olives, nayo, dijon mustard, lemon juice and spinach on two slices honey whole wheat. Plus a big apple on the side!
I was still nervous about my Kinesiology exam, but it ended up going pretty well aside from a few questions I couldn't differentiate. Ah, well- I'm sure I passed and I'm doing well in the class so it should be ok.
I took the rainy walk back to my car and headed to the gym. The gym made me feel a little better- I had an hour and a half sweat session- 35 minutes on the treadmill and 15 on the elliptical with a fun new playlist and a few magazines (love the new Clean Eating!) then I did a couple sets of 12 of 20 lb squats, 10 lb lunges and hamstring drops. Then I did leg press- 2 sets of 12 at 130 lbs and 2 sets of 12, same weight working my calves. I felt great after, so my day was going a little better!
I got back home and it was FREEZING so I'm currently all bundled up as I sit here. I decided I needed to make some cookies to make me feel better. I had some pecans and craisins I want to use, so I decided to do a test recipe using those. I used this recipe... I followed it exactly, only omitting about 1/2 cup oats because I didn't want to open a new cartson. But somehow... my first batch of cookies came out looking like this:
!! Can you believe it? It was like one HUGE cookie! I took a taste of 'one'... and it was delicious! Just really thin. I let them cool, and they were still very moist but crumbly... I didn't want to throw them away, so I decided why not make them into a cookie cake! I mushed the still-warm cookies together in this little pan of mine and came up with this:
As they cooled more, they formed together and now they're a nice big cookie cake! I added more oats to the rest of the dough to try and make some real cookies, but they didn't come out any better, still super thin! Oh, well, I added them to the top of the 'cake' and the final result was this:
At least it tastes good!
I have to admit... although the end result of these cookies came out interesting, it was very disappointing, and I ended up eating a LOT more dough than I should have... probably a few cookies worth!! I keep licking and picking away and before I knew it I had a bit of a cookie-ache in my stomach! Uh oh! No more cookie cake for me tonight. I hate when I get out of control like that, and today I KNOW the culprit was stress, which, like I always mention is something I don't like to let get the best of me!
Ok, I still have some studying to do before I prep for dinner so I'm off to review more Anatomy!
OH NO!!! I'm praying that your Friday tomorrow will be MUCH better for ya, girl!! But hey, can't go wrong with an "accidental" cookie cake, right?? ;-)
So good to hear no one got hurt in that accident!
And cookie mishaps are some of the best mishaps, right? =]
Good luck on your exams, I feel you!
Hi! I wondered why I was getting a lot of views lately. I am glad you liked the way they tasted. I am sorry they didn't turn out better, but I think "cookie cake" is a great idea :)
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