Anyone else excited?
The other night, Nick turns to me and says, “Could you make cookies sometime? I’ve really been wanting cookies.” Of course, I told him. What kind did he want? “I dunno. Oatmeal sumthin’,” was his reply.
‘Oatmeal somethin’?!?! I’ll give you oatmeal somethin’!
I haven’t had time to make them for a couple days, so I spent the time I wasn’t baking deciding what that ‘something’ would be. Then it hit me… somethings are better than somethin’! So I used a basic no-mixer oatmeal recipe I modified a couple weeks ago, and added a few Kristin twists to present you with…
Nick’s Oatmeal Somethin’ Cookies
Or, simply, Hungry Boyfriend Cookies.
All you need for these are a few simple ingredients, some creativity and a man (or woman!) in your life with quite the appetite for cookies.
1 cup all purpose flour
1.5 cups oats
½ cup packed brown sugar
½ cup white sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup dried fruit of your choice (I went with raisins because I had them on hand- cherries or craisins would be fabulous, I’m sure!)
¼-1/3 cup chopped nuts (I used pecans)
¼-1/3 cup chocolate chips (I used dark!)
Melt 1 stick of butter
Pour over ½ cup brown sugar and ½ cup white sugar
Add egg, beaten, and vanilla
Stir to combine
In another bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda and spices
Add dry to wet
Stir in oats, dried fruit, nuts and chocolate chips
Bake 11-13 minutes, let cool 10 before moving
Makes 24-26 medium cookies
These are delicious, a definite crowd pleaser. My only complaint? Without a mixer, a WHOLE stick of melted butter is needed to get the desired consistency. Maybe if I get a mixer for my birthday I’ll toy with some less fatty recipes!
Yesterday afternoon was go, go, go!
After a few hours of studying, I grabbed a red delicious apple from the coffee cart, and had that as well as the other half of my clif bar as a snack.
I got to my parents house to do a few things, and had yet another weak moment- a few kisses
And a small handful of sour patch kids someone (most likely my sister) left next to the computer and I mindlessly snacked on while printing some homework.
No more crap! What is it with me these last couple of days? All I’ve wanted is SUGAR!
Can’t go overboard tomorrow though, Saturday is my race! So I’ll be sure to be better then. REMIND ME processed=gross!!
Anyways, I took a ‘quick’ trip to Marshalls on the way home and somehow ended up with a new hat, and toiletry bag for the gym. Fun!
I got to Nick’s house and immediately set out to make one of our favorite dinners, Jenna’s chicken enchiladas. These things are seriously amazing! I know the recipe by heart now, I've made it so many times. I had one 'chilada, with a whole bunch of steamed zucchini, squash and red bell pepper.
Then I had to have a cookie, of course
Or two… ;)
(these were really small, for the record)
Onto today…
I am happy to report it is a BEAUTIFUL, sunny day here in RI!
Yesterday, I received an exciting new package at my parents’ house- Better Whey sent me three of their awesome yogurts to try!
With less than 150 calories per 6-oz container, 0.5 grams of fat, a whopping 17 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, 30 grams less sugar than regular yogurt, and packed with probiotics, one cup is a nutritional powerhouse!
Sounds good to me! This morning I tried the plain variety with 1 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal and a sliced banana.
Ok, not the most photogenic. But I have to say, it tasted great! Rich and creamy, I love thicker yogurts so this was perfect to mix with cereal. It wasn’t too sour, but it wasn’t too sweet either. It held me over for hours, I hardly needed my snack 3.5 hours later, so I would say I’ll definitely be looking out for these in stores! Thanks Better Whey!!
For lunch, I’m running out of food at the house, so I packed what I could scrounge up- an AB&J Sammie, featuring 1 tbsp 365 creamy Almond butter, and 1 tbsp Bonne Maman raspberry preserves on an Arnold’s sandwich thin, along with some carrots and a Rachel’s cottage cheese on the side.
This was nice and filling, I hope it holds me over like I want it to- I packed a new Pure bar, which I had half of this morning before class, and I’m saving the other half to have with some fruit this afternoon.
I really liked this flavor, much better than the chocolate chip one, which is unusual because I’m a huge chocolate fan!
Dinner is takeout again, it’s been a fun Friday night tradition we’ve got going and we’re having one of my alltime favorites again tonight!! I’ll give a full dinner and race recap tomorrow when I return!!
Hooray for cookies, enchiladas, and PURE BARS!! :-)
Happy Friday!!!
I need to get nutmeg. I always see it in baking recipes. And then... COOKIE TIME! =D
Thanks for the recipe!
My new favorite cookie recipe is here:
Try it. You (and your boyfriend!) will love it!
Have a great weekend Kristin!! Awesome looking enchiladas and cookies!!! MMmm!
Good luck with the race today!
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