Once feared because of their busyness and length, Tuesdays have now become my own personal "hump day". Once tuesdays are over, it's all downhill for me! No work until Sunday, so I get the rest of the week to study and get work done.
But Tuesdays next semester are going to be even more crazy!!
I just made my schedule up, and because I will be living in Newport (surprised anyone?), I tried to make my classes more in the morning/afternoon rather than night classes, because I hate driving over the bridge in the dark during rush hour! Luckily only one of my classes goes past 1pm!
Here's my schedule for next semester-
9-9:50- Food Science
11-11:50- History of the US from 1917-1940 (I find the WWII fascinating!)
Tuesday- (ready for it?)
8-9:15- Exercise physiology
9:30-10:45- Nutrtion in the Lifecycle
11-12:15- Biochemistry
12:30-1:30 BIG LUNCH!
2-4:45- Food Science Lab
9-9:50- Food Science
11-11:50- History
8-9:15- Exercise Physio
9:30-10:45- Lifecycle Nutrition
11-12:15- Biochem
11-11:50- History
(and that's it!)
I've never done 3 classes in a row before, but it can't be too much worse than 2, right? And Tuesdays WILL be crazy, but I'm used to going from 6am-9pm nonstop now, so it shouldn't be too bad!
Enough school talk.
Food is more important!
Breakfast for dinner worked out well.
Kind of.
Yes, Kristin, the chef-to-be forgot to spray the waffle pan. Crucial mistake. So instead of 2 waffles each, we had ~1.25.
They were still tasty! Nick helped out by making us each 2 eggs sunny side up (look at the bright yellow yolk!) Which I topped with some sea salt & fresh ground black pepper, 2 slices of reduced sodium bacon and a few tater tots! I drizzled the "waffles" with some syrup and dug in!
I have no idea how I finished this plate. And yes, I noticed there were no veggies or fruits on this plate (do the taters count? hehe) But it was choc full of vitamins from the egg yolks, protein from the whites and bacon, whole grains, and a lot of flavor! So I let it slide, just this once ;)
For dessert, Danielle made home made cookies so I had to have one! Yummm!!
I started to have a second... then decided I shouldn't have it, so I gave it to Nick and he complains, "you're going to make me fat!"... he still ate it ;).
I also sliced up the 1/2 a pineapple I bought at Whole Foods the other day and had a big juicy bowl before bed.
This morning I woke up and got my stuff together faster than usual, I made my sandwich last night because everyone else was and I felt left out (I'm such a follower)... I was leary it wouldn't hold up, but it did!
This is a honey ham (3 slices) sammie on a whole wheat sandwich bun with spicy brown mustard, a light laughing cow wedge and some boston lettuce.
For breakfast I packed the usual- a 0% chobani, some TJ's trail mix and a banana, as well as 1/2 my clif bar before the gym.
I did cardio (stat bike) + legs at the gym today.
Classes flew by, I was SO ready for lunch & class scheduling after Physio! I was nervous I wouldn't have enough time to blog, but I got my scheduling and notes done early so I had a little time for y'all =)
I packed some snacks- a nectarine I went to have before lunch... but when I bit into it I realized it was BAD! How did I not see that when I took the picture?!?! Must have been asleep. I promptly bought an orange to have instead at school and had that with my sammie for lunch. I also packed a Rachel's cottage cheese to have as a snack before work.
For dinner tonight, I'm trying the new Amy's soup the blog world has been raving about... I'm very excited so I'll give you my take tomorrow! I sliced a big carrot for some extra veggies too.
That's all for now, folks- I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, when its really humpday!