This is going to be a speedy post, because I just spent an hour packing some of Nick's stuff from the apartment and I still need to pack my own things!!
As angry as I still am about the current situation, I feel very refreshed and a lot more in-control of my eating since my 'revelation' on Tuesday.
Last night I had dessert- a small cup of strawberry froyo with half a crumbled home made cookie on top.
It was just enough sweetness to end the night, and I didn't feel the need to eat more.
I woke up at the crack of dawn this a.m. to get some exercise in before work- I had tons to do when I got out so this was my only chance to squeeze some activity in!!
I did 30 minutes of walking on an incline on the treadmill. It wasn't the hour-long gym fest I had planned, but I sure worked up a sweat.
Before I walked I had an unpictured date to suppress any hunger pangs, and then immediately after my shower I made breakfast. I used 1 0% chobani, some strawberries, blueberries and half a banana, topped with some almond slivers.
A parfait in a bowl!
For a snack at work I had this Soyjoy bar.
It was good, but I much prefer the mango variety.
Lunch was leftovers- some tabbouleh and chickpea salad.
I also had my daily chocolate fix-
It was tasty and filling; held me through the rest of my (long, boring) day at work, and then I had planned on meeting with my cousin for coffee, but she forgot, so I decided to go home and grab an apple (and my sister!) instead and pack up some stuff in Newport.
After packing, I was one hungry girl, so I stopped at Natural Foods for a delicious vegan dinner! I chose the vegan chipotle sweet potato soup, and the eggplant mozzarella wrap, which featured sautted eggplant, roasted red peppers, greens and vegan mozzarella in a spinach wrap.
I ate every bite! I'm stuffed, but in a good way.
My sister and I got some organic cookies to have as a treat after dinner as well, I'll probably snack on those while I'm packing away!!
Ok, time to get my stuff together! I'm leaving at 3am, so like I said, I will post when I can or do a recap on Monday! Have a great weekend, everyone!!